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Little by little Soora started pushing out of her comfort zone. Now that she was able to leave her house to go to the rooftop, she started to dare to go out of the building very late at night, when she was sure she wouldn't bump into anyone. She wouldn't go far, just up until the garbage containers. 

Before, it was Hoseok who would bring her trash out, then when her sister came, it turned to be Chaeyun's job, but recently she started to ask to be the one to do it, at her own time and pace. When she failed in leaving the building because her heart started racing, she would go back home with the trash and when her sister woke up the next morning, she would do it instead.

But on the times she succeeded she felt such a vibrant feeling of accomplishment and proudest of herself, that she kept trying and pushing and became successful more times than note.

Then one night she heard Yoongi playing basketball. He hadn't done that in a long time, since she called him out for it, but she still remembered how he said that he would do it to de-stress. Now that they were closer, she felt safe around him, so when she went to take out the trash, she dared to walk a few meters farther from the building and enter the courtyard.

"Can't sleep?" She asked softly, but her sudden silent appearance, made him shriek and shudder, letting go of his basket ball precociously.

"Shoot, you startled me." He said with a hand on his chest, startling again when the ball hit the ground with a sharp stampede.

"Sorry, I'm back to being the 301 ghost!" She chuckled, catching the ball before him.

"If so, then your haunting is getting dangerously closer." He squinted at her, catching the ball when she aggressively, but carefully, threw it at him.

"Yup, the ghost has left her niche where she was trapped and is now able to wander around." She rolled her eyes at their childish banter.

"Oooh, spooky." He said with a smile, that she mirrored, but not for long.

"Is everything okay?" She questioned with a furrow on her brows.

"Can I lie?" He questioned, looking away as if trying to flee the question.

"Nope, you're forbidden to do it so, the ghost always knows, and she'll get mad if you lie to her!"

"Damn, fine, I'm not okay." He said with a sigh and a sad smile. "My father called me this afternoon to try to convince me to come back and we fought again. I tried to explain to him how I was doing something I loved and really wanted to pursue, but it fell on deaf ears. At this point, I think I give up, I tried to do as my mom told me, give him time, but it's pointless." He spoke everything as he kept throwing the ball through the hoop as a means to keep himself too busy to sulk.

"Give it time. One day he will miss you so much that he'll understand that you are more important than his dreams." She said with a sad pout.

"You're too wise for your own good." He pointed his bony finger at her and squinted once again, and she smiled.

"I'm learning from my mistakes, life makes you a good student."

"Do you think... you'll ever speak to your dad again?" He carefully asked, watching as her eyes grew larger for a second. Soora looked away from him to the hoop and walked toward him to get the ball and throw it in, or at least tried to since she actually failed.

"Honestly, I want to. But I had so much to still work on myself, I couldn't deal with another broken person while I still had myself in pieces." She spoke as she continuously tried to make the ball pass through the hoop.

"But now you're almost all glued up together."

"I don't know if I am." She shrugged, unsure.

"You are, and you know why? Because you have the best glue there is, your friends." He assured, and she stopped to look at him and grimace.

"Damn, that was so cheesy!" She said as she burst down laughing.

"I have to admit, it wasn't my best moment." He chuckled too.

"But you're right." She nodded. "Thank you for being my glue too."

"Oh, that was smooth."

"See, you can be impactful without being cheesy, you gotta learn a lot from me, young Padawan." She teased him, throwing the ball at him again, so he could play a bit more.

"Young what?" He asked instead, and Soora gasped.

"Oh no. Oh nononono, that won't do. Get your ass to my house right this instant, we're binge-watching Star Wars!"

Yoongi tried to protest that it was late, but he was sleepless, and he also didn't want to keep sulking about his issues, so he followed Soora home. They spent the rest of the night up until the next morning watching all the movies from the Star Wars saga, trying to be as silent as possible to not wake up Chaeyun.

The next morning when the younger girl walked out of her room, yawning and stretching herself, she stopped midway when she thought she saw a blurb of blankets in the living room. She backtracked her steps and saw how Soora was sleeping all sprawled on the couch while Yoongi was taking a small corner, all scrunched up.

Chaeyun blinked her eyes and then ran back to her room, grabbing her phone and returning to the living room to span an absurd amount of pictures that she quickly shared with Hoseok. Who, along with her, coo-ed at their adorableness.


a/n: Another Yoonra cute moment!

I think the difference between Hobi and Yoongi is that Hobi fought to give her comfort and normalcy, while Yoongi just makes her think about why she should search for that comfort and normalcy on her own.

It just seems that Yoongi did more for her, but he only made her think and push herself, while Hobi actually did things for her. Both helped her a ton, but Hobi's help was more subtle and slow.

Let me know your thoughts on this.


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