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APT 302

Jin had arrived for another session. He was ready to try again to broach the topic that Soora had been ignoring for over two weeks, but upon noticing her distraction and the obvious irritation in her expression, he decided to try to unravel the causes.

"So, Ra-ssi, how are you feeling today?"

"S'well, great." Her tone was the opposite of excited, her words laced with fury.

"Oh really? Hm, tell me what you did today since you woke up until moments before I arrived." He asked, and she was not reluctant to answer, since this was a routine in new therapy sessions.

"Chae woke me up with a song we used to listen to, and it brought back good memories. We made our favorite breakfast dishes but ended up burning some of the food, but it made us laugh for being such disasters in the kitchen. I worked a little and got the news that one of my projects was approved. Afterward, Chae went to get lunch at Wonderland. She told me that she made friends with the 101 neighbors and that they asked how I was doing. They sent me a message to get better and keep fighting. It made me feel really good, it made me feel that they really care and that I matter. After lunch, Chae and I watched some TV and I came to finish my chores for the day. I talked to Hobi a bit, and he told me about his sister... then he came down here and left with Chae before you arrived."

"Actually, your day seems to have gone particularly well. You have every reason to be happy." Jin pointed out, writing down on his notepad every detail he caught in Soora's expression.


"So you want to tell me why you're frowning like everything that happened just pissed you off?" He pointed, and she turned her face towards him, looking at him in surprise and confusion.


"You're pouting, arms crossed, avoiding looking at me, and sometimes you wrinkle your nose as if remembering something you don't like. By the way, you made the exact same face when you talked about Hoseok. Did something happen between you two?" Jin indicated, reading from his pad all the signs he detected.

"H-how... Damn, you're really good at this." She snorted crossing her arms, caught in the act and unable to deny it.

"I wouldn't say that much, you are a little transparent." He chuckled, and she put on an expression of shock, a little offended at his true elation.

"Okay, I'll tell you what you want to know, no need to insist." Jin chuckled at that phrase, as it was contradictory. He had barely begun to insist, and the therapist sensed that she probably wanted to vent. "Do you think Hobi likes my sister?"

"Why do you think that?" Jin blinked confusedly for a few seconds, but quickly took notes of everything.

"He practically offered for me to beat him just as an excuse to come down here and see Chae. And he even asked me for permission to ask her out. Which just happened minutes ago, when the two left together for who knows where!" She actually knew, but she didn't know what would they do or talk, and that bothered her.

"How do you feel about it? You don't like the idea of ​​them together?"

"I don't know what I feel." She spoke troubled and thoughtful, biting her lip as she tried to decipher herself. "I feel a strange knot in the pit of my stomach like...anger? No, it's not anger. Envy? Perhaps." She mumbled more to herself, trying to figure it out alone.

"Wouldn't that be jealousy?" He pointed, and again she stared at him in shock, eyes wide and mouth set in a circle.

"JEALOUSY? M-me? Why? Why would I be jealous?" Soora questioned nervously, blinking her eyes incessantly.

"She's your sister you haven't seen in over a year, he is your best friend who is here for you around the clock. It's normal for you to feel jealous of their sudden proximity, maybe you're afraid of feeling like you're being left out." He clarified and even though it made sense, she was still confused and hesitant.

"But-but... Jealousy is something someone who likes someone beyond friendship feels."

"Not necessarily. You might be jealous of your friends, your family..." he pointed out, but his words made her think. "But do you think you like Hoseok beyond friendship?" Jin questioned and Soora fidgeted restlessly on the sofa, looking at any point and biting her lip nervously.

"I... I don't know, I don't really know what it's like to like someone on those terms. I like my sister and I like Hobi... I like you a little, but it's different. I like my colleague Lisa, but I've never seen her." she said sincerely and Jin nodded, feeling a little happy that she admitted to liking him.

"It's normal for you to feel confused about your feelings when you haven't lived around enough people to sort things out." Jin clarified softly, with a sweet smile that always warmed Soora's heart. "Did you ever tell your co-workers about your limitations?"

"Only a few. They didn't say anything, but I felt that things had changed. Only Lisa hasn't changed her behavior towards me." She murmured with a saddened, embarrassed pouting.

"Perhaps you should try to invite her to visit."

"You think?"

"Only if you feel emotionally and mentally safe for it. I don't want to force you into anything, but inviting Lisa to visit would be a huge step in your progress." Soora was pensive, biting her lip and nodding.

Jin didn't insist on going deeper into that session because he knew that Soora already had enough on her mind to think about. First, her feelings for Hoseok, then the decision to invite her co-worker to visit her or not. For such simple things, Soora felt overwhelmed and completely confused.


*author's note*

Could it be that Soora likes Hobi more than as a friend?

Imagine the mess it will be for everyone if she does!

I love a mess lol


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