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Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek nervously. He couldn't remember ever feeling this way around a girl, but Chaeyun looked quite intimidating. The young woman analyzed him with a raised eyebrow and tried to hide her laughter, until the moment when Jimin came to bring their order.

"If you need anything else, just call."

"Thanks, Chimmy," Chae muttered with a smile, waiting for the boy to walk away, so she could approach Hoseok. "So... what did you want to talk to me about?"

"How are you adapting to Seoul?" That wasn't the question he wanted to ask, but he preferred not to be so invasive, also because he wanted to prolong the conversation for the time Soora had for consultation.

"Good. I always wanted to come to Seoul, but for family reasons, I couldn't." Her face grew thoughtful and withered as she stared into her hot drink.

"Ugh..." An almost silent sound came out of Jung's mouth, making Chae look up. "There's so much I want to ask, but I feel like it's not my place or that I have any right to know." He sighed, turning his face to the side, trying to ward off the curiosity creeping over his skin.

"Soora never said anything about her past? About me, our parents...?" Chae asked and Hoseok shook his head negatively. "There are some things I think should be left to her alone to say, but others I think I can clear up." She indicated with a shrug, raising the mug to her lips.

"Like what?" He didn't know what to ask, there was so much he wanted to know about his best friend, so it was safer for Chae to do the talking.

"Have you ever wondered why my last name and hers are different? Why did she move alone to Seoul suffering from all these illnesses? Why doesn't she talk about me or our father?" Hoseok nodded vehemently, frowning curiously at all that and more.

Chae took a deep breath and took his time before starting to speak. Firstly, she took a long drink of her hot drink and then glanced at the counter where she saw Taehyung and Jimin laughing at something and Jungkook throwing a paper airplane from her station in the bookstore.

The two guys at the bar took the plane and unfolded it, reading what was written there and laughing again. Jimin looked shy and Taehyung wagged his eyebrows suggestively, staring at Jungkook with a playful smile. This one shook his head in the negative and covered his face, watching the other two write something on the paper in turn, folding it again in the shape of an airplane, and sending it to the other.

It was an interesting interaction to watch, but Chae needed to explain things about her sister to the nervous young man in front of her.

"Our parents met in middle school. Dad was head over heels in love with Mom, but she didn't care about boys." She started explaining with a sweet smile.

"For years he chased after her, contenting himself with her friendship, until finally at university she started looking at him with different eyes. They became the most united and inseparable couple in the world." Hoseok thought that was a beautiful and romantic story, but an uncomfortable bubbling in his stomach denounced that soon happiness would become a tragedy.

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