011 Sorry but, the truth hurts.

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I watched the sun rise, laying on the couch, my little human rested softly asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead before somewhat stretching, I knew that soon my mother would be coming by for her occasional check up on us. I was broke from my trance when I noticed a small human looking up at me. I reached down and kissed her lips before we both sat up. "Do you sleep?" She asked oddly.

I grinned. "What do you think?" She pondered for a moment. "I could understand why you wouldn't need it, but I just wasn't sure if you did it anyways?" The last part was more of a question. I thought for a moment before answering. "Well I don't really need it exactly, but I do get tired during the day so I usually sleep then and stay up all night" 

"Oh I see" She responded before cuddling back into me."My mother is stopping by soon, I hope she doesn't anger me" Bethany sat up completely now, standing up even. "Me too, well I guess I will hop in the shower and change" I just nodded softly, before sitting up myself. I sat in silence until Bethany rejoined me back on the couch. "Mmm you smell amazing" I said softly, my fangs grazing her neck.

"Are you hungry?" Her voice was calm and smooth. Instead of responding I gently bit into her, she leaned back down on the couch and I drank softly, savoring the taste. Once I was satisfied I fixed myself and dried my mouth, I watched as she sat up slowly no doubt that she was dizzy. "Here" I said softly before grabbing a bandage from my pocket and slipping it over the wound.

"It might be best to lay down for a while, since you're going to be a little dizzy." She only cuddled into me, I let her and cradled her in my arms before my mother barged in on us. I felt anger run through my veins the last thing I wanted was for her to slip in on a moment like this, I wouldn't hear the end of it. My suspicions were right when she began to grin form ear to ear.

"Hello Delani" Bethany politely greeted my mother. "Hello sweet Bethany, I see you tow are getting along" I rolled my eyes and smirked getting up and slowly letting Bethany stand beside me. "Bethany I would like to talk to my son for a bit if you don't mind" Bethany smiled, "Of course not, I'll be upstairs, Aiden" I nodded before letting go of her hand and letting her walk away from us.

"Let's go to the garden, shall we?" My mother linked her arm in mine and we walked outside. She smiled at the garden, her favorite thing. "How are you guys doing?" She asked once we were in the middle of the flowers, she sat gently in the grass. I sat beside her. "Were better, I'm letting her in more, and trying to be nice.." I trailed at the last part feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm so glad, you know I must tell you, I wasn't always a vampire" I didn't register what she had told me right away but once I did I felt my anger rise. "What?" I snapped uneasily. "Aiden, please just listen" I glared at the grass before remaining silent.

"Me and your father met just like you and Bethany, we were arranged ot be married." I shook my head not believng.

"No, it's true. I was a human, he was a vampire. He turned my into a vampire once we fell in love, I was seventeen" I didn't let her continue before I stood up and glared down at her. "So you lied, I am not a pure blooded vampire, I have human in me?!" My anger was more than bad at this point, I was almost on the verge of loosing control.

"Aiden, calm yourself" She stated before looking up at me, not moving form her sitting position. "It's not that bad, You are a vampire.. you're not half.." I grimaced at the mention of being human. "But you, the very thing I hate, you were a human... you had me as a human... that makes me somewhat of a human.. god dammit no wonder I have feelings"

My anger wouldn't subside, my mother looked worried before speaking once more. "Aiden, you are my vampire prince. Me and your father love you very muhc and we want only happiness for you that's why we paired you with Bethany, because she is a human. We hoped she would change you"

"I want to remain a vampire god dammit! I don't want to be a fucking human and if I ever have a kid I wouldn't want it to be human in the least! I will never love her, I won't. Not now. I am a vampire. I will always be a vampire. I hate you, you damn human trash!" I picked up a few roses and ripped them to shreds before throwing them at my mother, I saw tears fall down her face but I ignored them as I walked away.

"Aiden, don't you hurt that girl!" My mother was in front of me in seconds. "I know when you get angry you take it out on her, this is not her fault." My mother's voice was stern and I grabbed her arms stiffly. "Leave us alone, What I do with her is no other than my own business. you are to blame for that girls misery, it's all you're fault you stupid human!" My fangs were already protruding as I entered the house slamming the door behind me. I listened and knew that my mother had left. 

I growled before storming up the stairs. "Aiden?" the soft voice spoke. "This is all your fucking fault, You ruined my life!!" She looked frightened and when she ran I ran after her, growing angrier.

"Aiden, I don't understand what did I do?" I grabbed her by her wrists and threw her down on the bed, the look of horror was clear on her face and she began to cower in feat. "that's right be afraid, You should never have even been born. I will never love you! Humans ruin everything! Everything!" My voice was unsettling and I slapped her good and hard in the mouth. 

She cried out but I only hit her once more in the eye this time. Her hands covered her face and she began to sob in pain. I only grew more angry. I grabbed her wrists and with one hand pinned them above her head. I ripped her long sleeved shirt away from her body and I look of horror was on her face.

I grinned evilly, "As if I would rape the likes of you, you're too disgusting!" I leaned down and bit into her neck hard, she let out a ear piercing scream, that just about hurt my ears.


I didn't know what I did wrong, I didn't know what I said. I didn't know what I did to deserve this. My lip was puffy and swollen as I stared at it in the bathroom mirror. My eyes was a deep shade of purple and it looked disgusting, I let my long hair fall over my eyes not wanting to look anymore, I bandaged my neck since Aiden had tore the skin.

I felt a few stray tears fall before I walked into the bedroom. His voice haunted my mind, how angry he was. I still didn't understand why, He was so loving and caring the day before. I slipped on a hooded sweatshirt and some sweats before curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep.

I hate Aiden, now. I hated him with all my broken heart.

[ Author's Note: I'm BACK!!! LOL So sorry guys, I'm the worse I know! but I hope this makes it up to you. I'm hoping to start updating regularly. I've been extremely busy lately, working 12 hour days at work and stuff, it sucks.. But umm yeah.. he he (: ]

Arranged Marriage to a Vampire Prince.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant