012 Let's get this over with. You're no good for me.

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It had been only three days since the incident with Aiden occurred. I slipped a new hoodie over my head as I stepped out of the shower, my yoga pants more comfortable than usually, I slipped on some UGG moccasin slippers and brushed my fingers through my hair and bangs, leaving it slightly messy. I was in no mood lately to make myself do anything.

I sat at a nearby window seat just looking out at the sunny garden. I wish I could smile since it was such a beautiful sight but I even couldn't do that. Every inch of my body ached, I felt heart broken. I didn't want to stay here any longer I hated it here officially. I couldn't stay and be a walking punching bag every time the stupid vampire got angry.

I groaned when my cell phone rain not wanting to move from my spot. The days passed events put me on a downward depression. I answered softly. "Hello?"

i heard a shaky sigh before Delani began to speak. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.." Her voice sounded torn and I felt guilty suddenly for wanting to go home, I knew she had wanted all of this to workout and I knew all to well just how nice she was. "Delani, It's okay.." She sighed heavily. "I know that it's not okay. I'm sorry for everything, I had thought that this would work out by now.." I just stood there in silence, not sure what to say.

"Which is why I want you to pack your things. I'm sending you home sweetie, I want you to go on enjoying your human life. I appreciate how much you have tried but I cant keep you in danger, I want you to be happy"

I was speechless. She was going to let me out of this hell? To let me go home? I felt relief warm in my chest. "Really? I can go home?" My words sounded awkward, I wasn't quite sure that this was all happening. "Yes, Bethany I'm sure you miss your mother, I know she is going crazy without you. I will be there in an hour to pick you up."

I nodded until I realised she couldn't see. "Of course, I'll be ready. Thank you, Delani" She was silent before responding. "You're welcome, my dear" She hung up quickly after which was fine considering there was nothing else left to say. I smiled for the first time in days and walked over to the closet quickly packing everything.

As the hour finally passed I stood on the front lawn, with my two suitcases. A small limo pulled up and slowly but surely Delani stepped out of it. She had the driver grab my bags before stepping over to me and embracing me in a hug. "I should have never put you through this, no one deserves the abuse you've been put through" I nodded softly to caught off guard to say anything.

The sound of someone clearing their throat was enough to pull us apart. We both looked at Aiden. I felt fear rise inside my body and Delani squeezed my hand before quietly speaking. "Go ahead in the limo, I'll be right there" I nodded at her and looked one last time at Aiden before sitting in the limo and closing the door. I quickly put my Ipod on slipping it to "It Only hurts" By Default. I watched the scene outside, but refused to listen.

Delani stepped closer to her son. "Why are you letting her leave?" Aiden spoke with authority towards his mother. "Because she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. You don't deserve someone like her.. Good bye, Aiden. 

He didn't respond as his mother walked away. He rolled his eyes and watched as the limo drove off gently. He watched as the little human left, he didn't care.

Delani never spoke a word to me the entire ride home. When we finally reached my familiar home I was all too thrilled. I shut my Ipod off as the limo stopped in front of my lawn. My mother waited outside patiently. I opened the limo door and ran to her. When she hugged me I held on tightly, I felt a sense of relief. Finally back with my mom. 

"I missed you, sweetheart." I smiled sadly and looked her in the eyes. "I missed you so much more, I'm so glad that I'm home" I looked and watched as Delani gently nodded to my mother, who returned a curt nod back before letting Delani drive off in her limo.

It didn't take long for two weeks to go by. I was settled in back home and finally starting to feel a sense of relief. I was currently watching music videos on the television before my mother entered the room. "Hey there" I smiled at her before she took the hint and took a seat beside me. 

"So I was thinking, maybe you should start some college courses?" I smiled at my mom. "Well I have nothing better to doa nd it would give me a chance to meet some friends" My mom patted my arm. "exactly what I was thinking. It would be so good for you."

"I guess we should go down to the local community college then?" I asked hesitantly not sure on what the steps were to getting enrolled, I knew money wasn't an issue. My mother was covered in that area. "Well I already got everything set up. You're going to need some  time figuring out what to do so this year you are just going to take all your basic classes"

I grinned. "So you knew I'd go along with it?" She smiled in retuen. "No, but I hoped hat you would, you're a smart girl"

I hugged her gently before she stood and left the room.

It was the Monday after and I yawned as I got ready in my room. I walked over to my mirror getting ready to do my hair, I slipped my hair into a high ponytail. I froze as I noticed the slight scarring on my neck. The placed were he had ripped the skin. My fingers roamed over it softly. Why? was all I could ask myself.

I felt tears begin to fall and I quickly wiped them away roughly. "I will not cry over you" I told myself before straightening up and leaving my room, my messenger bag was placed over my shoulder and I grabbed my car keys. "Have a good day" My mother smiled before I left the house and drove away to my college.

The place didn't look much more different than high school. There were still a lot of young kids mostly eighteen-ish. I sighed as I made it to my first class. My professor greeted me and introduced me. I yawned half way through the lesson.

"Guess it bores you too huh?" I sat straight up shocked wen the boy beside me spoke to me. I smiled softly. "Caught me" He grinned and I finally took in his appearance his light brown eyes stood out aside his dark hair. He was probably 6'1, he was slender but slightly toned. I felt myself blushed as I noticed he was checking me out as well.

"What's you name kitten?" I grinned, "Bethany, yours?" He smiled, "Names, Rosen" I blushed before listening to the lecture, once class got out I had no other classes on campus and decided to head home, I was stopped in the parking lot. I watched as Rosen stepped in front of me.

"You should get to know me" He grinned playfully. I laughed softly. "Oh really?" He nodded. "Yeah, cause you're cute" He waggled his eyebrows and I slapped his arm playfully. "Well sure, Rosen" He clapped his hands. "Sweeeeeeeeet!" I opened my drivers side door and sat in driving off home quickly after.

Rosen? Well he had an adorable name, he was gorgeous, not any where near as gorgeous as Aiden, but still very attractive. I walked into my house smiling until my mother greeted me. "Aiden, called upon you. It's up to you if you want to talk to him" 

"No.. I don't" I whispered before locking myself in my bedroom door. I do't know why I suddenly felt a pang of hurt in my gut but I did and I felt incredibly depressed, no matter how much effort I had put in to be happy in the past couples weeks, that all went out the window now.

I wish I didn't cry over him still, I wish I could numb the pain.. but it still bothers me..

[ Author's note: first off let me know if any of you even read this note haha. But umm don't get discouraged with the fact that she is away from Aiden. I needed to get the spark back in this story, If I would have made them fall in love right off the bat then I would have no plot, no creativity... I hope you guys can accept my writing styles, and I hope you guys like it, let me know. Thank you.. ]

Arranged Marriage to a Vampire Prince.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora