020. Plans begin to unfold.

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I woke to the moon illuminating my bedroom, I watched as every now and then a cars headlights would make patterns on my ceiling. I sat up softly and grabbed a shirt beside me and slipped it on, surprised that my panties were already on. It was then that I heard the sound of the shower.

I sighed and rose out of bed, walking over to my window I looked out to see Jace patrolling. So this was real, after all. A deadly rogue vampire truly wanted to kill me and I had vampires sacrifincing their time to watch over me, and my home. I jumped when cool arms wrapped themselves around me. I leaned my head back against his chest and took in his scent as he kissed my head.

"I feel bad you know, that you are all sacrificing your time to watch over me" I couldn't help my fear from getting to me, I did my best to keep my thoughts silent the last thing I needed was Aiden seeing my nightmares. "Bethany, my swet little human, I would walk to the earths end for you" I couldn't help the small smile that played on my lips I turned to him and looked into his beautifully ice eyes.

"Promise, that we will be together forever?" He looked deeply into my eyes and kissed my lips softly. "My human that is one promise that I have ever intention on keeping, I love you"

"and I love you, so much" My heart ached softly and I let him pull my over to my bed once more. I lay beside him and he wrapped my in his arms. "Get some sleep, human" He didn't have to tell me twice, I was out in minutes.


I waited about an hour until I knew she was soundly sleeping. I slipped from her grasp and getting tucked her in. I waited cautiously to be sure she stayed asleep before making my way from her room. I knew my parents were still here I could smell them, I followed the scent until it led me to a small sitting room. 

My mother smiled sweetly before kissing my cheek. "Hello my sweetheart, is everything alright?" I nodded softly before walking in and grabbing the cup of my blood my father had extended for me. I sipped it slowly enjoying the taste. 

"Leonard, shall we talk now?" My father nodded and looked at me just as my mother took a seat beside him. "I don't want a dear friend's life to be put in any unnessesary danger, so we both think it's best for you and Bethany to come stay at home." I took in their words and I was a little delighted to say the least. 

I could rest a hell of a lot easier with Bethany back home with me, where we had hudreds of vampires around at all times. I wouldn't have to be on such edge all the time, nor would I have to worry about her leaving the house. "I think that's a good idea, it'd be much safer and she wouldn't notice the patrolling as much"

"That's exactly what I thought, she could wander around as she pleases and we have plenty for her to do, so do you think she will be fine with this decision?"

I pondered for a moment. I knew that Bethany wanted to be with me, that she wanted to be safe. but I wasn't sure how she would feel leaving her childhood home, and her mother behind. I wited before relaying my final decision. "I'm not sure, I wouldn't be against forcing her to come I care more about her safety than anything else, and trulycouldn't her mother just come as well?"

My mother's face fell softly. "Well not exactly, Aiden you remember months back when we had told you that Bethany's mother was sick? Well she went into remission, but her doctors are on alert and want her close to them."

"We can't get doctors? We are vmapires there is practically nothing impossible for us?" I questioned my mother and she nodded in understanding. 

"I understand that Aiden, and she does too. I gave her the option she won't leave her home. She shared this with her husband she has many memories in this home and she is unwilling to let go"

I felt frustrated suddenly, if Bethany's mother wouldn't come along then the chances of Bethany agreeing were even slimmer. "If her mother doesn't come along it's going to be that much harder to get Bethany to agree as well" I groaned before placing my cup gently on the table and turning my way back to the stairs.

"Aiden, wait" I ignored my mother and continued on my way to Bethany's room. By the time I finished talking with my parents it had aready became morning. I noticed the bright sun peer into her window and light up her skin. She looked perfect her pale skin matched her ebony hair. I sighed and slipped into the bed with her.

"Everything alright?" Her voice startled me suprisingly, I must have had so much on my mind that I never head her wake up. "Yeah, we have a long day a head of us though. A lot of things to talk about" I felt her nod.

"I see, well guess I better get up and ready for the day" She began to get up before I reached for her hand pulling her down to me. 

"Just stay with me for a little bit, please" My voice sounded pleading and I didn't mean it to. She smiled softly at me before laying back down and in my arms.

I needed this, I needed to just forget about everything even if it were only for a little while.

[ Author's Note: Oh my god, the awful last two months I've had. Well the reason I didn't update was because my laptop, which is initially my writing computer, decided to fry the charger and so it sparked and flamed, and then because my battery is so shitty it died. So I couldn't access any of my saved documents, or anything. I have a back up computer, which is initially used for all my gaming, so I hopped on that to update. Well my keyboard fucking broke on that as well. So here I was getting pissed more and more, frustrated I waited until the week was over and went to Best Buy to buy another keyboard, spent a lot on it. So I come home I start my computer up with the new keyboard in and I'm sitting here thinking that everything is going to be fine. Well the fucking computer tells me there is no keyboard or mouse to read. So I can't even access the computer, after 3 weeks of fucking around with my computer and trying everything I discovered that ALL of my USB's front and back which is not usual, all broke. So I had to basically upgrade my computer. And if that wasn't enough. The exhaust on my fucking mustang got fucked up from bottoming out in various different places, a 500.00 fucking fix. Three weeks later my brakes are fucked up and I spend 300.00 to fix those.... Just an awful two months... god awful. -__- Well I hoped you liked this update now that I can finally write!! If you read all of my ranting on my shitty life then you're a fucking trooper. Well I'm off, you guys have a wonderful day or night, which ever it is. I'm going to go jam out to music now, and probably do some gaming. (: ]

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