003 Leeches don't survive in the sun:

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Chapter 3: Leeches don't survive in the sun:


The limo smoothly parked in front of a large drive way. I look out the dark tinted windows, And then turned my Ipod off tucking it into my pocket. I looked over at Aiden, And he gazed back. No glare this time. That's a relief. "Were here" He stated emotionless. I nodded, Without an attitude and continued to look out the windows.

The limo driver held the doors open while Aiden stepped out, I followed suite. I went to grab my bags but a servant slapped my hand softly away, and winked then grabbed my bags for me, Carrying them into what I assumed to be a mansion. I was stunned at the sight I saw before me.

There were giant white pillars guiding up the stairs, Towards a grand door, A light beige color, The rest of the house white. You would think of a Gothic theme, Knowing they're vampires. But apparently not. Beside the house were beautiful trees, Bushes that were trimmed and taken very well care of everyday. The flowers were beautiful all around.

"Oh, Sweetie you're here finally!" Delani gushed as she ran towards me and Aiden. "And look you two are finally getting along" She smiled warmly at me and Aiden before picking me up and giving me a large hug. "Woah..." I trailed. Shocked that someone I barely knew would be so friendly. Although she was best friends with my mom.

"Oh, Hi" I said oddly when she put me down, Soon her husband joined us. I noticed they didn't look as dressed up as they were at my house, But still pretty neat. Leonard, Or known as King Ace, Wore a pair of black slacks, With a light beige dress shirt and some black loafers, While Queen Delani wore a neat white sun dress with some heels. Why not jeans and a t-shirt? Regardless they both look inhumanly beautiful.

"Okay, A servant has taken your things to your room, Bethany. So now I shall leave you two alone" I flinched as she gestered me over to Aiden. "What?" He snapped glaring down at me. She shook her head in disapproval.

"You will be showing her around, Your father has work to do, And I must start the wedding preparations!" She gushed then like the speed of light was off and into the grand estate. I sighed and looked towards Aiden for help. "Let's Go" he grumbled.

The inside of the house was even more beautiful, If that were possible. The colors of rooms were all light colors, blues, mint greens, whites, yellows, beige's. They weren't my type of colors, But they worked well in this home. Aiden showed me were the kitchen was, It was bigger than my own kitchen, which was saying something because I could get lost in mine back at home.

Oh, I said the word home. I felt my stomach tugging at me, And my heart thudding. I felt my eyes get sore and dry, Which meant tears would follow. I felt eyes burning on me so I looked up, Only to bump into Aiden. "Sorry" I whispered as I stepped aside, I quickly wiped away the falling tear. I never looked to see if Aiden saw my tears. But I expected him to show a glare, So why bother looking?

After showing me the basic rooms, And other various rooms I would use, Aiden led me up a giant stairwell. There was a large hallyway, Branching off to other hallways, And they all held doors. As we walked down the halls I couldn't help but notice pictures, Of a little baby, A child, And a teenager. The person had black raven hair and big blue crystal eyes. I sighed then asked. "Are these you?" I flinched after I said it. Expecting him to be harsh.

He chuckled slightly and smiled adoringly at the pictures. "Yeah, My mom took most of them. When I was little she would spend all her time with me, She would take pictures every minute" I smiled a bit, It was cute the way he didn't freak out like most kids would. We began walking down another hall. It wasn't too far away from the hall with the pictures. We stopped when we met a pair of giant black doors. I looked at them oddly.

Aiden opened the doors to reveal a large room. It held a black bed, With too black and glass nightstands next to it. Then It had a large black dresser. I noticed three red doors, One was open revealing his clothes, Another revealing a bathroom, The third was another closet. It was completely empty though. The carpet was a dark red, As were the walls. And in the opposite end of the room held a large computer desk, With a laptop equipped.

In the center of the room, Two large black love seats nestled around a large flat screen tv. It was a great room. But I'm guessing it's his? "Ours" He spoke bitterly. I dropped my hands by my sides. "What, But I barely know you!" I shrieked in horror. He glared at me. "You think I want to share my room with someone as disgusting as you!" He spat back. Oh great here we go fighting again. But what the hell, It's bad enough I just got told on my birthday I was getting married, Then I find out he's a vampire, Then have to move away, And now we have to share a bedroom.

He ignored me and walked over to the empty closet he opened it up more revealing my bags on the floor. Ah, So it was for me. Great. "This is your closet, And that is our bathroom" he pointed to a red door. I nodded in agreement. "So what is there to do in a place like this?" I asked him. He smirked. Then pondered for a bit. "Do you have a bathing suit?" I thought for a minute then replied "Yeah, Why?" I slipped my hoodie off the room was warm and so was the weather. "Because we are going swimming" He replied and then stalked off to his closet. I rolled my eyes and stepped into mine.

Inside the closet it held a large vanity, With hair accessories, And brushes, It had drawers with jewelry. Obviously meant for me. I opened one of my bags, Thank fully it was the one with my bathing suit in it. I didn't want to go searching for hours for a bathing suit. And besides I don't want to piss Aiden off. I grabbed my black bathing suit. It was a bikini, It had skulls all over the top and bottom. After slipping off my clothes and into the bathing suit, I put on a pair of black shorts. With some black flip flops. And last, A black tank top. I walked out of the closet while slipping my hair into a side pony tail. Aiden was in a pair of black swimming shorts, And a black Escape The Fate tank top, Which looked really cool.

He trew a navy blue towel at me and told me to follow him. I did and it led us outside a large backyard, Which was so huge. It held a large swimming pool, I now noticed how hot it was outside. I began sweating. Aiden took his shirt off, And threw his towel on a patio chair. I followed in suit slipping my tank off and my shorts. I felt a faint blush creep up my face and I huridly wrapped the towel around me.

"Don't worry human, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole" I shrieked at his smirking grin. "Oh really, Well leeches shouldn't be out in the sun, They dry up easily!" I snapped back with venom, A wide smirk on my lips.

Without thinking he ran to me picked me up and threw me into the pool.

I screamed as I hit the water. So this was how it would be? Let the games begin!

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