008 Familiar Taste Of Poison:

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Chapter 8: Familiar taste of poison:


I honestly wasn't quite sure why Aiden suddenly began to open up to me, I didn't know where the sudden urge to be sincere and nice to me came from. What I did know, was that I wasn't going to ruin it, and I surely would not have the courage to ask him.

As I sat beside him I could tell I was beginning to like him, I knew he hated humans though. I knew it for a fact. I couldn't even begin to tell him I was starting to fall for him. There was something about him that I was drawn to. Maybe my mother and Delani were right after all.

All I know is that when it comes to Aiden, even though he treats me absolutely horrible, and even though I have bruises all over me from him. There is just something about him, I don't know what yet. I'm still trying to figure it out for myself. But there is something I like.

This place he has showed me was absolutely breath taking, the roses were the most beautiful ones I have ever laid eyes on. I could tell his mother put a lot of work into this garden. He must too, now that we live here. I picked a piece of grass and began to twirl it in my fingers.

As I moved, Aiden sat up straight moving away from me. I watched from the corners of my eyes as I saw a smile spread. But once I noticed, it was quickly destroyed. I didn't understand why he wouldn't try to get along with me; maybe that is what he has in mind. That would explain why he brought me here.

"A-Aiden?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes, My little human" He replied gently. I didn't know why, or maybe I did. But the way he said my little human made my heart soar. Inside I loved it. I ignored my burning feelings and mustered enough courage to ask.

"Why did you want to show me this place?" I asked quietly, being extremely careful not to make him angry with me. I knew the slightest things made him mad. I learned my lesson the first time. I used to be the type of person who would stand up for herself, and for what I believed in. But I can't win against him, so I give up before trying.

That and the fact that I don't want any more bruises on me. "It was a favor from my mother, I remembered" He spoke suddenly yanking me from my thoughts. "Oh" I said extremely bummed out now, my heart betrayed me as it sank in my chest. "Why did you ask?" He suddenly wanted to know.

I felt my cheeks grow extremely red. "U-Ugh, I-I was just curious" I stuttered out. I heard him let out a chuckle. "What?" I said immediately growing embarrassed and confused. "Don't be so defensive, human" He laughed again. "Why are you laughing at me?" I asked getting defensive once again.

"You wanted a different answer" He snickered. When I looked at him he was smirking. "No I didn't" I defended myself, but my heart and brain told me otherwise. Of course you did, my conscience was saying. I glared at no one in particular. "Well, I know you did. Did you forget human?" He asked suddenly cause my curiosity to perk up.

"Forget what?" I asked hesitantly. He laughed half heartedly. "Forget that I can read minds" He snickered once more and now I was beyond the point of patience. I threw the piece of grass I was holding down. "Well, that's an invasion of privacy, did you know that?" I asked annoyed. He chuckled.

"I knew, I didn't care" He said proudly. I rolled my eyes. "Of course not, considering you're heartless" I snapped. I felt the air shift. I knew I hit a button. "Watch it, human" He said calmly. "Why should I? You think I'm going to sit here all the time and let you run my life?! Well I'm not, I'm so sick of you hurting me, Stop being so heartless for once and let that giant vampire ego of yours go! Get over yourself, not everything is about you, Jerk!" I ranted on and as soon as I finished my last words I got up and ran away from him, back to the house.

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