021. Why can't I be like you?

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I was sitting on my front porch, on the porch swing when I heard him sit beside me. I had been out here all day soaking up the beautiful breezy day, the sun was warm against my skin. I smiled at my vampire and scooted next to him. I reached for him and enveloped him in a kiss.

"We need to talk about new living arrangements" His words caught me off guard. "I thought we were staying here and you guys were patrolling?" My question made him stop for a moment and I could barely hear the sigh in his voice.

"My parents and your mother all think it would be best for you to come with me to my parents home, that way there are plenty of vampires around at all times, you could roam freely and there would be so much for you to do" I didn't say no right away the idea was reasonable and I understood why they wanted things that way.

However, I wasn't leaving without my mother. And as much as I enjoyed taking my college courses I could deal with no school for a while. I sighed. "What about my mom? I can't just leave her here" I felt irritated suddenly and I scooted away so I could face him. I did my best to ignore the way the sun lit up his eyes and the way the breeze allowed his hair to sweep across his face. I pulled my sweater tighter against me.

"Bethany, your mother is fine staying here by herself, there is no reason for you t not go, she will be safe" I was suddenly frustrated with his calm attitude. "No Aiden, that's not right. and how can you say she will be safe? That damn vampire wants to get to me who's not to say he will go after her to get back at me?" 

I stood up and leaned against a post, getting farther away from him. He watched me for a few moments before approaching. He stood and silently walked over to me, I looked away and he grabbed my chin forcing me to meet his eyes. 

"She will be safe you have my word, Bethany" I frowned. "This is so frustrating, I shouldn't have to live like this, I don't want to live like this!" I watched the hurt in his eyes and it took me a few moments to realize the way the words rushed out.

He began to walk away from me. "Aiden, please I didn't mean it that way" I felt tears burn at my eyes and I tugged on his shirt. "I just don't want to be scared anymore.. I'm so scared Aiden" I let myself cry in front of him, something I hated doing.

It was silent and if I couldn't see his feet firmly planted on the ground then I would have assumed that he left. I felt his fingers brush at face, soon his lips kissed my tears. "I don't want you to be like this, I feel terrible. But I mean, that's exactly why you should come home with me and my parents"

I wiped my tears, "Don't you think things would be easier if I were a vampire?" He glared down at me, and I almost flinched from the intensity, his spoke so coldly. "No"

"Are you kidding me, you have even listened or tried to reason with me? Aiden I would be strong and I would be vampire, Blake wouldn't even want me anymore! And I'd be just like you so why the hell not?!" I was angry but could you really blame me? He wouldn't even listen to me his instant reaction was no, without even an excuse as to why.

"No, Bethany. It's final" He showed me his fangs and I rolled my eyes. "I'm not afraid of you, you're being completely unfair. I'm going to your parents about this" I pushed passed him and he grabbed my fist pulling me close.

"Let go!" I snapped trying to get free. "You're not going to my parents about this. My decision is final" I shook my head. "You're a jerk" I gave one last push and he finally allowed me to walk away. 

Flustered I decided to sit in my room, I ran up the stairs ignoring my mother and Delani. I slammed my bedroom door so loud it rattled the house.

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