006 Sticks and stones may break my bones, But names will always hurt:

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Chapter 6: Sticks and stones may break my bones, But names will always hurt:


I finished unpacking my stuff two days after we had arrived at the new home. Our new home. I shuddered at the thought. I don't feel like sleeping in the same bed as this stupid vampire so I have been spending my nights on the couch in the den.

It was extremely uncomfortable, but it was better than being with Aiden. It's a good thing I know how to cook, otherwise I would just starve. It sucks really, Aiden is not nice at all.

And when he is, he will quickly mask it. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He hurts me all the time. I hate being in an arranged marriage with a vampire. I told my mother when she called me, I broke down in tears even.

She told me it would take time, but it would get better. As it did for Delani and her. I rolled my eyes and continued to let the tears fall that day. I step out of the shower and got dressed in some simple dark blue skinny jeans with a gray lace camisole.

My eyeliner and make-up are finished, and I soon start on my hair. It's straight and teased perfectly. I decide on some food next, when my stomach starts to growl. As I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen I was caught off guard by Aiden sipping blood at the table.

It grosses me out. He was disgusting. I flinched as he growled at me. I forgot he could read my thoughts. I watched him every now and then as I poured myself some juice. He eyed me intently. I shuddered.

"What's your problem?" I asked hesitantly. "My problem?" He growled, now stepping out of his seat and pinning me against the counter top.

"You human" He started glaring madly at me. I stared up in horror as his sharp fangs stared me in the eye. "W-why?" I whispered and shuddered. I knew I was afraid of him, he did too.

"I don't get it, Why can't you stop being such a leech and act nicely for once, Your a big baby for a vampire and I'm sick of your whining!" I shouted before my mind could process my words. I quickly gasped, waiting for him to scream in my face.

Instead he slapped me hard in the face. Harder than ever before. It knocked me to the ground and I rolled onto my knees holding my face. "You're worthless and stupid, I hate your guts" I looked up into his blue shining orbs.

Even with holding fury they were still beautiful. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I-I hate you too!" I screamed. I don't know how but I suddenly got the courage to kick him. I did, where the sun don't shine and he stumbled, giving me the chance to run.

Which I did. I ran as fast as my small body could take me, I ran into our bedroom and locked the door. My breathing picked up and my heart pounded in my chest so hard I thought it might pop out.

"Bethany!" He roared on the other side of the door. There was suddenly a crash and I looked up into the eyes of a very livid vampire.


I glared at her. How dare she disrespect me so rudely? I was so much stronger, so much smarter, so much better in every way. She was a stupid human, she wasn't worth any thing. I hated her, I despised her, I loathed her.

"I-I'm sorry-" I cut her off as I charged for her neck pinning her beneath me on the bed. She whimpered and fought to get me off. I was too strong. I raised my hand and she flinched so much.

I swung and smacked her in the mouth, blood trickeled from her lips. I gasped at the smell. It made me want to try, I wanted to see what she tasted like if she smelled so wonderful.

I felt in a trance and in a daze, I wasn't quite sure what this human was doing to me, I hated her. So I pinned her neck down even more and watched her gasp for breathe. "P-Please" She gasped.

I finally let go, but then I put a hand on her shoulder still keeping her pinned down. I brought my mouth to her neck. "Stay" I whispered to her and before she had a minute to grasp what I said I bit into her neck.

It started off as a rush the blood flew into my mouth from her veins. I loved every moment of it. She tasted amazing. I would have to use her for my personal blood bank now.

I licked her neck gently massaging it so it wouldn't swell. I took large gulps and her body was beginning to get weak. She stopped resisting and let me drink.

Once I was satisfied, I looked down at her shaken figure, She passed out after meeting my eyes.


I wans't quite sure why he bit me, or why he had hit me. I wasn't quite sure what I had done to make him so angry with me. All I know is that once he bit into me, I felt intense pain through out my body.

My body ached and hurt so bad, I struggeled against him for the longest time, I couldn't fight any longer though. He was too strong for me.

I felt my body go numb, and I soon closed my eyes after meeting his blue, worried ones.

I felt the darkness come over me.

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