014 Eternity will never be enough for me.

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I couldn't help but notice Bethany's hand intertwined with this human that stood before us. I tried to read his mind but he kept it blank, it was odd really. I could tell my mother was nervous but she quickly stood up and hugged Bethany closely. I envied her at this moment. 

Bethany's mother stood up and welcomed her daughter home allowing Rosen to enter the room. "Rosen these people are very special to me and Bethany. This is Delani, my best friend since childhood, and this is her family" I love how she left out the part about me and Bethany being in an arranged marriage, I wondered how he'd feel. I love to piss him off.

"This is my boyfriend, Rosen" I was suddenly broke from my train of thought. The level of rage oin my body was close to consuming me, I fought back the urge to rip this humans throat out. Boyfriend? He fucking touches her and I'd drain him alive. I smirked and stood up shaking the damn humans hand firmly, very firmly. I expected him to be frightened but rather he took my hand and shook it back with as much force as a human could. 

I was caught off guard and instantly shot my hand back. What the hell? This damn human was trying to show who's boss. Oh if only he knew that I could  hold his neck in my hands like a damn twig and snap it. I smiled for the first time in a long time, and froze when Bethany caught it. 

"It was nice meeting you all but I should get going" Rosen's words made my heart leap in my chest and a spark of excitement began to lift within me. "Are you sure, I don't mind if you stay" her soft words broke my heart, but how could I feel that way? I'm the reason why this guy is her boyfriend. 

"It's fine beautiful, I will see you tomorrow" And as if on cue he reached for her waist and pulled her to him kissing her fiercely on the lips. My hands were held tight in fists as this guy smirked at me into the kiss. I was shocked more than anything, shocked that a human had the balls to mess around with me. this guy knew he had something, someone I wanted and he was purposely pissing me off.

"Good night, love" He kissed her nose softly and turned to me. "Was nice meeting you" His dark smirk made me furious. "The pleasure was mine" I grinned back. 

Once he left I noticed that only me and Bethany were left standing alone in the room. Our parents had left to somewhere else in the house, to talk I assume. The silence consumed us and I thought many times of how to break it but couldn't, every time I opened my mouth to say something it didn't feel good enough.

"What brings you guys here?" Her voice scared me for a moment, she wouldn't look at me as she started the conversation. she kept her arms wrapped around her, almost protecting herself. I was only seconds from answering when our parents returned to the room.

"Bethany sweetheart, Delani, her husband and I are going to go get some drinks, we have some adult stuff we'd like to discuss. Were going to leave you two here" She smiled at her mom before replying. "I'm fine on my own, no need for Aiden to waist his time" Her mom frowned before kissing her daughters head.

"I don't like you to be alone, and I'm sure it's not a waist of time to him" With those last words she left with my parents behind her, once the car drove off into the distance I looked at Bethany, her eyes met mine and she looked down quickly.

Arranged Marriage to a Vampire Prince.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora