I think about this morning and how it got hot and heavy in the kitchen. The sounds she was making and how she was moving her body quickly reminded me she was no longer the sixteen year old girl who was unsure of herself or her sexuality. All it did was make me want her. I wanted to find out how much she's changed in bed. I wanted to find out what she loves to be done to her. What pleases her? Before I begin to pop a boner right here in front of her, I decide to put those thoughts in the back of my head, saving them for a later time.

"So should we get going?" I ask and motion to open the door for her.

"Yes," she smiles at me and quickly hugs Heather before grabbing her bag to walk out the door.

"Good luck big brother and be good," Heather teases me and I throw her the bird before closing the door.

When we get to Jackie's Diner, I'm filled with so much excitement I can barely contain myself. The whole way here Bex had let me hold her hand. I'd gently ran my thumb across the top of it and could sense the chills it was giving her. As we walk into the diner, a wave of nostalgia hits me as I remember the times coming here with her when we were kids. It hits even harder as we sit in our usual spot in the back corner where we could see the whole diner.

"Good evening you two, what can I get for you?" the waitress smiles at us. It's Martha, she's been here for as long as I can remember.

"I'll have my usual," I hand her my menu with a smile.

"Very well Chief Daniels, and honey what about-" when she looks at Bex she finally recognizes who it is.

"Oh my God! Rebekah Miller! Honey I heard you were back in town but I just couldn't believe it. You hadn't been by yet so I thought your Daddy was playing a cruel joke," Martha laughs and playfully smacks Bex's arm.

"No I'm back," Bex smiles up at her and I swear it lights up the whole damn room.

"Well I'm glad. Will you be having your usual or has the California life the last decade burnt your tastebuds?" Martha jokes with her.

"Oh no, it never could. I'll have my usual," Bex replies while handing Martha the menu. I've got to give it to Martha, eight years since Bex has been here and she still remembers her usual.

"Great! It'll be right out and sweetie, it's so good to see you again. Sure have missed that contagious smile of yours," she gently squeezes Bex's cheek and walks off.

Bex smirks as she looks down, avoiding my gaze. Her hair falls forward, tempting me to reach over and tuck it behind her ear. We sit in silence for a couple minutes as I try to muster up the courage to say something, anything. Jesus why am I so nervous, just talk to her you dumbass.

"Here's your drinks," Martha comes back with my coke and Bex's root beer.

"Thanks Martha," I smile at her and return to checking out the beauty before me. When she takes a sip of her drink, she gazes up at me with a small giggle, making my heart flutter at the sweet sound.

"What's so funny?" I ask her and lean back in the booth, resting my arm along the back of it.

"Oh nothing, just wondering why you're staring at me," she smirks at me and takes another sip of her drink, twirling the straw between her fingers in a seductive way.

"Am I not allowed to? I can't help admiring something so beautiful," I admit, deepening my voice.

Bex smiles wide with a blush as she tucks her hair behind her ear and leans back in the booth, staring at me. I notice her look me over and bite her lip, pleased with what she sees. I smirk at her and she sits up straight, adjusting herself in the booth. Wait is she getting in the mood? I watch as her breaths quicken and I smile to myself. Don't worry baby, I'm feeling it too. Every damn time I'm in the same room as you I get the same way.

Deciding to break the silence, I begin to ask her questions about her life in California. She tells me about how much of a culture shock it was for her, coming from a small town. As she talks about it more I begin to notice the disappointment in her voice. She obviously hated it. Why wouldn't she? It wasn't home and the only reason she went was because of what I did. She never planned on going to UCLA and only applied originally as a joke.

Only thing I keep thinking is, if she hated it so bad, why'd she stay for so long? She could've finished college and came back. What in California kept her from returning?

I'm about to ask her that when Martha comes walking up with our food. I decide to not ask her anymore about it and eat my food. As we eat I laugh at her as she devours her food. Same old Bex, she could almost out eat me any day of the week.

When we were in high school and I'd go over to her house with Ford to watch the game with Mike, we'd fight over the last piece of pizza. She'd try wrestling me for it but I'd win every time. I didn't start letting her win until I realized, I was in love with her.

"Oh my God that was so good," she sighs as she puts her hand to her belly, pleased.

"Glad you liked it. California food must not have satisfied you enough," I laugh lightly.

"No, not even close. Everything out there is so small and it's all about eating vegan and raw diets. I'm too much of a country girl to not eat meat," she laughs softly.

"Did you ever try it?" I ask, curious now as I try to think of Bex as a vegan. I really can't see it. I've seen this girl murder out a stack of burgers and hot dogs alone within minutes.

"I did. I lasted half a day before I went and got me the biggest steak I could at Roadhouse," she admits and shrugs her shoulders like she has no regrets. Yup, sounds like my Bex.

After I pay and we make our way outside, I suggest walking around town so she can see how much it's changed and get some fresh air after stuffing her belly. Honestly, I just don't want this night to end. Of course she accepts and we make our way down Main Street, hand in hand.

We walk around slowly for what feels like hours just talking about everything. I tell her about some of the places I got to go in the Army and about my first week training with her dad as a Deputy. She laughs at how tough he was on me and I can't help the smile as I think about how much I love to hear her laughing. Finally we make it to the other side of town and end up out front of Miller's Bar & Grill. There's loud music coming from inside, louder than just the jukebox and I wonder what's going on.

"Oh that's right! Joe and his guys are playing tonight," Bex answers my thoughts. I can tell by her expression she's excited and wants to go inside.

"Shall we check it out?" I offer and she tightens her hold on my hand as she pulls me towards the bar.

I follow her closely inside and when she looks back at me with a big smile on her face, I make a promise to myself right then.

I'm going to make this right. I'm going to mend her heart and this time, I'm never letting her go, not ever again.

✓ [18+] A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHEREजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें