XV. Hot And Heavy In The Kitchen

Start from the beginning

Moving my hands from his hair, I place them on his face. I run my finger tips along his jaw line, feeling the stubble that's grown there. I absolutely love him with facial hair, it makes him seem older than he is but I've always had a thing for older men, obviously.

His kiss becomes hungrier as he enters his tongue into my mouth and at the taste of his tongue, my body reacts as I feel a warmth in my lower belly. I move myself closer to the edge of the counter and that's when I feel it, Nate's erection pressing against me.

My thin cotton pajama shorts do nothing to protect me from the sensation of his shaft rubbing up against my bundle of nerves. Instantly I get wet down there and put my hands back onto the counter as I tilt my head back and let out a small moan. Nate moves his mouth to my neck and gently sucks at the skin.

I'm getting so turned on right now and instinctively wrap my legs around him as he takes his hand and grabs my thigh, gently squeezing, digging his finger tips into the skin. As he kisses further down my neck, he places a kiss on the soft spot right above my collar bone and I nearly melt like butter. His mouth moves further down to right above my shirt. With his other hand, he tucks his fingers under the top of my shirt and begins to pull down to expose my breast.

"Oh Nate..." I quietly moan, my breathing quickening.

Suddenly there's a noise upstairs that makes us both flinch. My grandma is waking up and will be downstairs soon. I unwrap my legs from around him and adjust my clothes as I hop down from the counter. Nate sits his coffee mug in the sink and I notice a huge grin on his face as I giggle to myself. He grabs his Stetson and heads towards the door while I follow him out onto the front porch and close the door behind me.

Nate turns towards me while placing his hat on his head and there's a look of excitement and uncertainty on his face. Opening his mouth to say something, he quickly closes it and is about to walk away when he decides against it. He's being so indecisive right now. Finally he looks into my eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Bex, go out on a date with me tonight," he demands. There's a pleading look in his eyes that melts my heart.

A week ago I probably would've smacked him if he'd asked me this, but right now I desperately want to say yes. I think about what my grandma said last night, about forgiving him and moving on from it with him. He's different now, more mature and sure of himself, not like he was ten years ago. Before I can talk myself out of it, I smile up at him. God, please don't let me regret this.

"Yes Nate, I'll go out on a date with you," I answer sweetly, as I run my finger along his forearm, flirting with him.

The look on his face is priceless as he realizes I said yes and he smiles widely, showing off his dimples. Suddenly he leans down and presses his lips to mine. I'm taken aback at first and giggle into his kiss as he gives me a few quick pecks before backing away.

"I'll pick you up tonight at six," he smiles down at me and gives me one last kiss before walking to his truck.

I walk inside before he even leaves the drive and lean up against the front door with a huge smile on my face. It's so big, it begins to hurt. My grandma comes walking down the stairs as I'm smiling to myself.

"Well someone is in a good mood this morning," she laughs and walks up to me.

"Yes, yes I am. I did it Grandma, I took your advice. I'm going on a date tonight with Nathan," I smile widely at her and she beams as she wraps me up in her arms for a tight hug.

"Oh baby girl that's such good news! I'm so excited for you," she squeals and when she leans back she tucks my hair behind my ears.

"So am I. I've got to call Heather about it," I bounce with excitement like a schoolgirl and quickly make my way upstairs. I hear my grandma laugh as she goes into the kitchen.

Soon as I grab my phone, I'm dialing Heather's number. She answers after two rings and before she can answer with a Hello, I'm nearly screaming into the phone.

"I'm going out on a date tonight with Nathan," I beam. I pace back and forth in my room, too excited to sit down.

"Oh my God it's about time my brother grew a pair!" she teases with excitement in her voice.

"Well, I didn't make it easy for him at first," I admit, remembering our first encounter together when I moved back. I'm actually really lucky he even talked to me after that.

"True," she laughs.

"What time is he picking you up?" she asks and I already know why she's asking.

"At six," I answer and begin pulling out clothes for tonight, knowing what's coming next.

"Perfect, we've got plenty of time then. Tell Grandma to get stuff ready for making cookies, cause I'm on my way over!" she orders before hanging up the phone.

For years this was our routine.

Anytime we had a date planned or went through something bad, like a break up, we'd go over to each other's house and bake while we gossiped or talked about our problems. It's something that Mom had started and got us into. After she passed, we put the tradition to even more use to honor her. I think about what my mom would be like if she were still alive and if she'd be joining us right now. I'm sure she would be.

If mom was still around, life would be so much different. I wouldn't have went through all I went through the last ten years. Mostly because Mom wouldn't have let me leave like I did. She wouldn't have let me run away from my problems. Dad did all he could at the time, but he just didn't know how to properly handle a teenage daughter who was heartbroken. That was something a girl needs her Mama for.

When I run down the stairs and into the kitchen, Grandma already is pulling out all the stuff for baking cookies. I smile at her and thank God for her being in my life right now. A few moments later the front door opens and Heather comes bouncing in with excitement as she wraps me up in her arms.

"Let's get started! You have an unforgettable night ahead of you," she smiles at me.

I really do, this is our first official date ever. The butterflies flutter again in my belly as I think about it.

Tonight, I'm going on a date with Nathan Daniels and it only took ten years to finally happen.

Tonight, I'm going on a date with Nathan Daniels and it only took ten years to finally happen

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