Chapter 13

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Domino's POV

I was sitting in the chair beside Elliot's hospital bed. His had was laying weakly in my hand. It was cold but I tried warming it with my own. My eyes looked at his beautiful sweet face that now was covered in bruises and cuts. His eyes were closed they been like that for two weeks. I was dying for him to open his eyes and just look at me with his beautiful blue ones. But he never did. My hope was slipping.

It was two weeks since the accident. I remembered it like it was yesterday. Every time I closed my eyes I was back in the car. The fear on his face when it all happened haunted me in my dreams.
At the night I kept telling the people to help him first as I pushed them out of the way. And finally, they listened and helped him first. When they had him out, they started helping me as well. I kept asking them how he was and if he was okay but none of them answered me. I was crying out for him until they gave me something to calm me down and soon everything turned dark.
I woke up in a white room. It didn't take me long to notice that it was a hospital room. Beside my bed were my mom sitting in the chair. I woke her up by asking where Elliot were. She told me what had happened. That a drunk driver drew into us and only got away with a few cuts. I told her that I didn't care and that I just wanted Elliot. She told me that he was in a coma. At that moment I felt my heart break I started crying. She hugged me into her chest and told me everything would be okay. She didn't know what to do because I never cried. I always kept my wall up, but without him I felt weak and broken.
My father walked in the room a little after our moment, he told me that I could be moved into Elliot's room. I thanked him and not much later were I sitting in a hospital bed beside the love of my life. When no one was in the room I walked over to his bed and sat down in the chair. A week later I was ready to go home but I didn't leave his side. I only left the chair to go to the toilet. My sister brought me food when she was finished from school.

"Please Elliot open your beautiful eyes and look at me. I don't want to live without you. There're so many things we haven't done yet. Like getting married and having kids. I want all that with you. So, don't leave me before I can have all that." I said as I kissed his hand. Tears were running down my cheeks. I laid my head down on the bed and looked up at him still holding his hand tightly in mine. I closed my eyes and relaxed a to the wonderful fragrance of him. Even in the hospital his scent was flowering in the air.

I felt a hand sliding through my hair. But I didn't think much to it. It was probably my mom or sister, they did it a lot. So I kept my eyes shut and relaxed.

"D-Domino, I-I want to m-marry you t-too." said a husky voice that I loved to hear every morning when I woke up. In a split second it was clear to me who it belonged to. I looked up fast and saw my angel looking back at me for the first time in weeks. Happy tears were running down my cheeks. I broke down and cried loudly.

"Oh Domino, come here." He moved over and made room for me in the bed. I carefully crawled into the bed and made sure not to lay on anything important. He looked at me and slowly wiped my tears away, but they kept falling. He had a soft smile on his lips. I closed my eyes and relaxed to his touch. He pulled my head to his chest as he slid his hands through my hair, I fell fast asleep and had the best sleep in his weeks.

Elliot's POV

Never in my life did I believe that I would see Domino cry. He was always so strong and carried everything on his shoulders and he never complained. His tears showed me how much he cared. 

A tear ran down my cheeks at the thought that I lost him. I was so happy to wake to the sight of him. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against his hair and relaxed at his scent. The same scent that had me surrounded every moment of my new life. I opened my eyes as I heard noises at the door. I turned my head to look at them. There stood Domino's family. His sister had her hands at her mouth. His mom had tears down her eyes. His father just stood with a smile on his lips as he had an arm around his wife.

I took my finger up to my lips and made quite voice and looked down at Domino. I could see they understood what I meant. I didn't want them to wake Domino. I could see on his face that he didn't get to sleep a lot. He was tired.

His mom sat down in the chair and the other ones found a chair and sat down beside her. She told me what happened. And that Domino never left my side, only to pee. She also told me about his nightmares about losing me. Which made sense to why he didn't sleep a lot.

I just looked down at my savor who was sleeping in my arms. I couldn't help myself but yawn. They took it as I needed some sleep and was still tired. They said their goodbye and promised to come back with a doctor in a few hours. I just smiled and thanked them.

I nuzzled myself closed to Domino and fell asleep into his warmth.

I woke up to the sound of people walking intothe room. I opened my eyes only to find my head on Domino's chest. I looked upat him as he already had his eyes on me I blushed and gave him a smile. He strokemy cheek with caring eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. He leaneddown and kissed me slowly with so much love.


Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this part. I would like to hear them.

Ps. remember you matter

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