Chapter 1

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Dear readers, i'm updating this story because it's years since I started it. I hope you'll like the changes. Have fun reading and don't forget to vote.

"Domino's POV"

I sat on the bench in the park near my home. I couldn't stop myself for starring at him. Every time he would catch my eyes, I hurried looking somewhere else. This time my eyes found the skies. The sun was shining it was a warm day. But the skies were getting darker by the moment it looked like it would rain later, maybe first tonight. I didn't really care if it would rain. I always liked the rain.

When I was younger, I ran around in the rain. It was always that time it was best to play outside, even when my mom yelled at me to get inside. She was scared that I would get sick and miss school. For her it was important that I would get a good education and a good job. I remember feeling the rain against my skin it always felt like a liberation. Even today I find myself just standing in the rain finding a peace in my stressful day. On days when it doesn't rain, I just stand a little bit longer in the shower.

I looked over at him again. He sat under a tree in the shadows. His skin was pale. It was like he knew he would turn red if he stayed too long in the sun. His black hair was messy covered most of his eyes. Everything about him looked good.

He looked up at the sky I was glad he did because then I could stare at him without him noticing it.

I've been seeing him around a lot. Our town wasn't big so I knew the people here and I saw everyone. I couldn't forget a guy like him, neither could I stop thinking about him. In my eyes was he perfect. But too skinny.

First time I saw him on the streets he had trouble walking and was so weak. It made my heart hurt but I couldn't do anything because I was with my ex boyfriend Colin at the time. I broke up with him five months ago. I thought we would grow old together, he didn't think the same and cheated on me then lied straight to my face about it. Sadly, I believed him. I always saw the best in people and didn't see a reason for him to lie. My little sister Zoey found out the truth and told me everything. I thought we were having a great relationship, then I confronted him about what Zoey had told me he got mad and said everything was my fault, that I spend all my time at work and never had time for him. I just got angry and yelled at him that someone had to work for money. After that I left the apartment. When I came back, he was gone with all his stuff.

Since I broke up with Colin, I been following the mysterious guy in my spare time. He's been living on the street for a while, I gave him food a couple times without him knowing it was me.

I just wanted him to be mine so bad. But I needed to get over Colin. Me and Colin had been together for a couple years. Zoey always told me that Colin wasn't good for me and that he changed me in a bad way. She helped me see what I had lived with for two years made me bad. I had been in and out of depression in the relationship too blind to see the blame for it. Now that I was a free man, I was feeling a lot better.

Even the people at my work reminded me that I was back to my old person. The person before Colin.

I slowly got the control over my life that I really needed. I slowly got into the BDSM lifestyle. I was a dominant but I never had a submissive yet. I was still learning and trying to find the person who could give me my needs. But first there was still a lot I need to take care of first.

I looked at him again again. This time he wasn't under the tree. I looked everywhere there weren't any mysterious guy. I couldn't find him. Then I saw him he was on his way to me. He didn't walk but he limped slowly to me. My eyes were following his every move. He looked nervous but had it under control. I looked straight into his eyes as he got closer. He was looking back. It was like time stopped. In a split second he was standing in front of me looking down at me.

I looking into his pale green eyes. He looked back into my brown ones.

"U-um i-is this space taken?" he asked with a low nervous voice.

"No not at all" I answered back as I moved a bit to make more space for him.

I couldn't stare at him. My eyes moved to look around in the park. Kids were playing around, moms were calling for their children, dogs running around their owners and other dogs.

I could feel eyes on me. I turned my head to looked at him again. I felt right he was looking at me.

"I-I'm Brandon btw." He said shyly with a blush covering his cheeks, he hurried hiding his blush by looking down.

"Nice to meet you Brandon I'm Domino, but my sister calls me Dom." His eyes were on me again still with the blush covering his cheeks.

"N-nice to meet you too D-Domino, I better be going." He stood up and limped his way.

"Brandon!" I yelled. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. "you been limping a lot don't you want me to drive you home or something?" I asked him with a caring voice.

"I-I d-don't really have a home but thanks." He answered back this time his blush was gone. He started limping his way again.


Please comment your thought on the story, I read all. 

Ps. remember you matter

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