Chapter 2

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"Brandon's POV"

Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!

I finally talked to him. I saw him around a lot. Every time I saw him it was like a God send me an angel. He was so handsome and beautiful it looked like he was made by God himself. The brown eyes of his was shining cause of the sun. His smile was so beautiful it made me want to see it even more.

When I walked away from him, I already missed being close to him.

It was now a week ago since I talked to him. Every day I walked to the park waiting for him but he never came back. I shouldn't have told him that I was homeless. I scared him away.

I walked down the streets all alone. People were staring at me. But I didn't care. I was used to the starring from the people. They all knew I was homeless. I was known as the homeless guy. They didn't even know my name or what I had been trough. But I didn't care. Let them think what they want.

I looked up at the skies. They could always calm me down when I was upset or angry. When it was late afternoon the sun was on its way down, the stars were starting to show. I could spend the whole night just looking at them. When I saw stars, I felt like I was home. If I wasn't for the stars, I had giving up long time ago.

My grandpa showed me the stars so I could find home. But now when I didn't have a home, I didn't need it and it slowly faded away. I missed the old man so much. He was like a father to me. A better father than my father ever was.

It was getting darker. My grandpa once told me about real love he said "Real love is like the Sun and Moon. The Sun loves the moon so much that he dies for her every night to let her breathe." I cried in the end because I knew I would never find someone who would love me that much. He also said that he found his moon my grandma. He really did love her. When she died grandpa tried everything in his power to help her survive and a week later he died. She was his world and he couldn't live without her. And that's what I called a love story. They made me believe in love, but now when they were gone and I was alone I was losing my hope in love.

I felt something run down my cheek I thought it was a tear but it came again. It was starting to rain. Yay a free shower! Don't get me wrong I loved rain. It was the only place you could hide your tears when you were crying.

My clothes got all wet same as my hair. I could feel the rain in my boxers.

It hit me like a car I felt weak in my knees and fell to the ground. Damn I needed to eat some more was all I thought about when my vision turned black.

"Domino's POV"

I saw it all. I saw how he looked at the skies, I saw how he fell to the ground. I ran over to him screaming his name. When I got to him he was breathing just fine. He was just tired. I kneeled down beside him. Damn he was so pretty. I gave his forehead a soft kiss.

I didn't care if he was homeless where people live doesn't make people, people.

It had been a week since I last saw him. I missed his beautiful face and I haven't stopped thinking of his voice. But I had been busy at work, the whole week I only left my office by night time and went straight home to sleep.

I slowly picked him up in bridal style andcarried him home to my car. 


Dont forget to vote and comment on this part of the story. I still wanna know what you're thinking so far.

Ps. remember you matter.

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