Chapter 8

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"Brandon's POV"

I woke up to the sun shining on my skin. God, I felt amazing. I slowly turned around and was hit by pain in my butt. I wanted to cry. Then the memories form yesterday came back and I blushed.
I looked around in the bed no one was to be found. I could feel my heart get ripped out. I wished that he would stay in bed so I could wake up to his beautiful face. But he just left me. Was I just a one-night stand? I was about to cry when I heard a soft husky voice.

"Oh hey Love, you're awake."

I looked up at him and wiped my tears away from my cheeks. Of cos, he wouldn't leave me like that, he was better than everyone else. He had a heart.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" he placed the plates on the bedside table and sat down beside me and pulled me into his lap. I leaned me head against his chest.

"Brandon, answer me please." I looked down at my lap. He lifted my chin up for me to look into his eyes. So, I did.

"I-I thought you left me."

"What made you think that.?"

"Y-you weren't here when I woke up. I-I thought I just was a one-night stand."

"Oh, you'll see, I thought you would sleep late since we did something yesterday that you haven't done before and I thought I drained all your power, so I thought I had time to make breakfast so that you would wake up with breakfast on bed. And as I see I almost made it." He gave me a small smile and I returned it. "I would never leave you, Love." He kissed my forehead. I blushed.

"Remember the thing I wanted to talk to you about?"

"Y-yes." I been thinking about it I really wanted to know and now he wanted to tell me. I was looking forward to it.

"You heard about BDSM?"

I slowly nod my head. I had heard about it. But I didn't really know much about it.

"Love, please use your words." He touched my cheek while looking down at me.

"Y-yes I heard about it, but I don't know much about it."

"Good boy" he patted my head and I blushed as I leaned into his touch wanting more as the day before. "tell me what you know about it."

"From what I heard there's more than one way to do the lifestyle" I looked up at him to see if I was right, he node his head when he saw me looking. "what I heard most about is a relationship where there is a dominant and a submissive, the dominant help the submissive and almost take control over the submissive. The submissive submit to the dominant. I-I don't know more."

"Love, I'm dominant and want you as my submissive."

I looked at him I didn't really know what to say. Maybe he could help me get myself back? Maybe he could control me? Of course, I would say yes. He was everything I was looking for.

"Y-yes I will be your submissive."

He hugged me tightly. I loved feeling his warm. I felt completed in his arms.

Six months went by fast. He taught me a lot about being a submissive. He taught me how I should sit when we did things. At first, I feared doing something wrong. But he also told me that he was new to the lifestyle as well and that we would learn together.

He made me feel happy. And he been smiling more. He kept telling me how proud he was of me. I had never felt more joy.

Last night he took me to a BDSM club. He said he wanted to show me off to the other dominants because he was so proud of me. It made me laugh he was so cute. It was funny because I normally was the cute one but when he said it he was really the cute one.

I was so nervous at the club. The drive to the club was silent. We didn't really talk. I was too nervous to open my mouth.

When we got out of the car he said "Hey Love, when we get inside don't look at any people in there. The dominants don't like when submissive looks at them without telling them to."

"Y-yes, sir."

When we got inside, I could feel everyone turn around and look at me. I was uncomfortable under their stares, mostly because I was dressed in short leather shorts, they just covered my ass, my chest was covered in a tight girly crop top, there was fully view of my stomach. My neck was surrounded by a collar. When Domino gave me the collar tears were running down my cheeks. I was so proud. When Domino first saw me in my outfit for today, he got a hard one. You could see his bugle in his tight leather pants, it just made me love the outfit even more I couldn't help myself but grin at the thought of the look on his face.

Domino held his right hand at the small of my back and gently pushed me along with him farther into the club. When he held his hand on my back it made me feel stronger.
I looked down at the floor all the way to the VIP room.
When we came to the vip room he sat down in a couch and waved his hand for me to come over. I did as he taught me at home. I walked to him and kneeled on my knees between his legs. He patted my head before sliding his hand through my hair. I liked his touch. Every time he touched me no matter where it was on my body, I felt complete. I leaned into his touch. He sat up straight and patted his lap. I crawled into his lap and hided my face into his neck. He rubbed my back while talking to the other dominants. I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Maybe this weren't as bad as it could be. I finally felt happy and complete with him.


Don't forget to vote and comment on this story part. As always i want to hear your thoughts of the story.

Ps. remember you matter 

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