Chapter 7

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"Domino's POV"

I ran after him but I was too late. He smashed the door right into my face.

I remembered his face right before he ran to the toilet. His face was covered in pain, the tears down his cheeks showed it all. No one could hurt my Love like that and get away with it. I needed to find Colin again and make him wish, he never was born, but first I had to get Brandon out from the bathroom.

I sat down beside the bathroom door. I leaned my head against the door.

"Love?" I asked but no one answered. Damn I hated when he didn't answer me back. "Brandon, answer me when I talk to you." Still no answers.
Damn this just made me even more worried about him. Then I remember the things Colin said. I knew it hurt him bad.
"Brandon, you don't live here because I think you're a baby or because I feel bad for you. Just open the door okay?"

"T-then why am I here? B-because I don't understand... w-why someone like you wants someone like me to live with you."

OH, haven't told him? no I haven't told him that every day I walked down the streets I saw him and fell in love a little by little every time I saw him.

Then I heard something I never thought he would say "I want back on the streets."

"Wait what! Brandon why?"

"I-i don't like it here... j-just l-leave m-me a-alone." I could hear in his voice that he was hurt. And it hurt me.

"Brandon, I won't let you leave... you can't go back on the streets."

He unlocked the door and opened the door. I stood up. He was walking fast out but I grabbed around his wrist.

"Leave me alone I don't want this I just... I just—" I hugged him close into my chest he started crying.

"First time I saw you on the streets... there was a voice in my head telling me 'he's mine make him mine' I was too scared though and never did anything it was about 6 months before I took you off the streets. I remember it like it was yesterday. You were so small and I just wanted to hold you in my arms. I was fucked up at that time I'm better now as you can see. Every day I went by you just to see if you still were there. I fell in love with you a little more every day." I said while sitting down with him in my lap.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I don't want you to let me push you away, p-please don't leave me, y-you're all that I have." He mumbled the last part and soon fell asleep in my arm. I fell asleep too the sound of his soft breathing.

I woke up to him snuggling closer into me. The sun was shining on his neck. Right at his weak spot, I wanted to kiss it so bad. I slowly and softly kissed his weak spot. I could feel his hands move to my hair. I smiled against his soft skin and kissed his weak spot again.


"Yes Love?" I looked down at him. Such a little human being was sitting in my lap. The cute human being I already was in love with and he didn't even know.

"M-make l-love to m-me." I sat there I never thought in the world he would ask me that but he did.

"You want me to?" I locked my eyes with his.

"Y-yes p-please." He turned as red as a tomato.

"It will hurt."

"I-I d-don't c-care."

"Okay then." I lifted him up in bridal style and carried him to the bedroom.

"Love just remember if it hurts too much tell me, and I'll stop. I don't want you to get hurt... okay?"

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