Chapter 9

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"Domino's POV"

It's been a week since I took Brandon to the BDSM club. He took it better than I thought since it all was new to him. He made me proud. So, I treated him like the good boy he was when we got home. He fast became a moaning mess it was so cute.

Yesterday the hospital called Brandon's phone that I gave him a month ago. He wasn't happy about it. He hasn't talked to me since the call, and it was really starting to get to me. He didn't eat dinner with me that night.

I let out a relaxing sigh to get myself to relax but it wasn't working. I got up from the couch and started walking into our bedroom I found Brandon sitting in the corner of the room. I walked over to him and kneeled beside him. He didn't even look at me he just kept hiding his face between his leg he was holding up to his chest. I ran my right hand through his hair.

"Brandon, I gave you some space and this silence is seriously starting to kill me. Will you please talk to me?"

He slowly looked up at me. His eyes were red from crying, some tears were still running down his cheeks.

"They told me that my dad's in the hospital, h-he doesn't have that much time left."

"Oh Love I'm so sor..." he didn't let me finish.

"N-no I hate him so much, I can't even count to how many times he hit me. W-when I told him and my mom that I was gay. He beat me so much that I couldn't even walk and after that he threw me on the streets. I never went to the hospital so they could help me fix my bones, I-I just let it be. T-that's why I can't walk without limping. My bones healed wrong. But now I'm so used to it. So I can't feel pain for it anymore."

I was so angry. No one gets to hurt my baby. Why wasn't I there to help him? He been through so much while I just been in my office and been depressed. He needed me. Every day I walked past him I should have stopped up and talked to him. Why am I so stupid?

"I-I hate my name. T-That's why I like when you call me Love. P-plus it makes me feel special." He said after a short break.

"Why don't you like your name?" I asked with a caring voice.

"I'm named after my father." he looked up at me with sad eyes.

"If you could change your name, what name would you change it to?"

He looked up at the wall then started thinking. You could see he was thinking a lot by the way he was biting his lip, and the way his eyebrows were running together. Damn how can one boy be this cute? It should be a crime to be this cute.

I stroke his cheek soon his eyes were at me.

"Elliot." He answered.

"You want to be called Elliot?"

"Yes please."

"Hm. I like the name, and I think I suits you." His whole face grew up into a big smile.

"D-Domino.... I-I love you." His face turned red when he discovered what he had said. He waited for my answer. Damn how cute could a person be.

"I love you too Elliot." I told him with a proud smile. Tears soon were running down his cheeks.

He slowly became my world. I even pictured a future with him. I haven't pictured a future with anyone before. This boy was the one my heart was beating for. I loved the way his beautiful blue eyes were shining when he smiled and the way his perfect soft lips went into a smile with dimple. I loved everything about him. He didn't deserve any of the things he went through in his life. And here I was ready to make his life good again. To give him the life he always wanted. And I was starting with helping him change his name for real.

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