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I lose myself in
The deep, shimmering pools of your eyes
Arched back & wondrous smile
Embraces my soul in
Thick coils of smoke,
Breathing in and out
Until your very scent engulfs me.

A goddess unchained, unmerciful,
My entire existence shivers with but a look,
A smile,
A laugh,
Until nothing exists but your face &
Your smile.

My heart beats with manic speed
While you respond with laughter & humour,
It shatters when
You shed but a single tear
And a frown grazes your lips.

A word from you & I would die happily
A word from you & I would leave everything
I hold dear behind & walk the ends of
The Earth to be with you, all for you.

I crave your touch, your smile, your love
I crave your simple presence by my side
& to just be with you, forever.


Flames devour me,
The sun burns, but
The moment I see your face
& hold you in my mind,
Every pain,
Melts away, as if it never was;
Without a thought, without even being aware,
You cure me of every pain, however slight,
Simply by being there & giving me the slightest
Pleasant smile, the coyest laugh,
And a look to your eyes that
Melts away every heartache, &
Makes me smile in return,
Regardless of how I felt but a moment before;
That skill, that magic,
Brings me back,
Where a mindless, computerized existence
Suddenly turns into a wondrous adventure
Into a land I have explored not at all,
But wish to experience,
And with you, only with you,
If you'll let me at your side,
Where we could keep each other company &
Experience these things together, sharing them, truly.


Each moment spent away from you
Is another I spend in hopeless anticipation
Of our next meeting,
If only in passing,
The next time I see your face,
Your smile,
Hear you laugh.

Your words embrace me,
Lingering in my heart
Long past our parting;
They walk with me,
Guide me,
Sustain me, tide me over,
Until we meet again.

Dreaming of the next time,
Yet dreading it as well,
Knowing it's always fleeting,
Always brief;
I always wish we could stop time,
Drag it out, have hours, days together,
Instead of minutes.


My tears burn like acid,
Streaming down my cheeks,
Reminding me of wonders
& possibilities, & if
Things could be as I dream,
Yet letting the dread creep in,
The dread that nothing I say or do
Will matter, in the end, &
We part ways &
The love never blossoms, never blooms;
A walk, a train ride, a parting of ways,
All being there & nowhere, yet I see
You in my mind, always, & wish you
Could see me as clearly, as sharply,
& could you feel, I wonder,
As strongly about me as I
Suddenly feel about you?
Blind dates, Internet Chat Rooms, chance meetings,
Yet no real love, never real love, until you, until now,
When all of a sudden a spring
Shoots forth within my soul,
Tearing my innards with shards of glass,
My hands groping for something I dread
I will never be able to reach, your love &
Admiration, which burns me more greatly
Than the strongest fires in Hell can
Ever hope to match.


Before you, my world was empty, hollow
Before us, I was an empty shell, waiting to be filled;
I never knew the depth of that emptiness
The miles that filled my soul
Until you came along & showed me,
With how effortlessly you filled
The empty spaces within me
And, now, when you're not here
I walk those hollowed spaces &
Feel the echoes bounce within me,
Allowing me to do nothing but dream,
Dream of when I would see you,
Be with you again,
So that you can still the echoes
& fill the spaces with your
Smile & your
Presence makes my emptiness evaporate
Like so much water in the heat of your anticipated embrace.

POETRY: 1996-2005Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon