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Walk with me, my friend,
I have something to show you
Something important

Something to soothe the savage beast
Something to melt the untamed heart
Something to make the strong weep

Look to me, my friend,
For I have been places
And seen many more things

Things so strange
Things so weird
Things beyond comprehension

Me being alive surprises me
Me talking to your surprises me
To hell with it, I'm just plain surprised

Surprised to see another sunset
Surprised to see the dew on green-grass
Surprised to hear another baby cry

It could have been different
It could have been different
Trust me, it could have been different

I was there
I saw it all
I just barely made it out alive

Believe me, my friend,
It's all true
All of it

See this –
It is all that remains
Of that place

Of that time
Of the past
Of hope

It is all that remains
Of what was once
A race of hairless apes

June 10, 1996

POETRY: 1996-2005Where stories live. Discover now