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Open the book:


Cars that scream
Girls that dream
Worlds that bleed

This is where we go
In the dead of night
And the end of the line

Vampires, werewolves, Dark Men
Oh, my!


Walk with me, child,
It won't take long,
Or be too strong

Just a little whiles
Past the miles
Of corn

Just ignore the scarecrow
And the darkness

Stay with me, child,
And you'll be safe,
I'm sure

Come, child,
Close your eyes
And follow blindly

Into the land of dreams
Into death's other kingdom
Where we both shall
Live eternal


Fire, walk with me,
Be with me
Cherish me

Me, with a
Mighty pen and a
Sharper mind

Weapons sharper
Than knives, weapons
To sway a culture

Come, fire, dance
With me, dance the
Dance of death

For, it is the best
Dance I know,
The only dance
Expected of me


Listen to me, child,
And I will tell you
A tale

A tale lost in time
But, true to all

Hear me, child,
Speak of Misery
And Rage

Of Love
And Betrayal
And the dreams of Lost Souls

These are stories
Long of age,
But short of memory


Don't go just yet, child,
There are more tales to tell
And more volumes to fill

My pen is not yet dry
My mind is not yet dull
The Tower is still a long way off
And the Wastelands are approaching quickly

May 2, 1996

POETRY: 1996-2005Where stories live. Discover now