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The chiseled stone that forms my heart
Feels the longing, at last,
Yet you will not contest to
My emotional unbalance,
Nor will you see beyond my
Façade, beyond my
Outward appearance, see
The Lover, The Poet, The
Hopeless Romantic within me,
Only The Beast on the outside, The
Creature that yearns to be vanquished
By your sweet beauty, by
Your shining glory;
Only then can the monster die, can
The True Lover shine through,
Then all will be clear in the world
For this Poet, for me –
Only then, with you by my side,
Holding my hand as we
Make our way through the darkness, through
The still waters of time together, forever ... and ever.

April 17, 1998

POETRY: 1996-2005Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ