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Close to home
Fog is thick
Blinkers are blinking
Barely penetrating the pea-soup thickness

Wet around the eyes
Sniffles flush the nose
Heart thumping away

I know it's near
I recognize a building
But, I am still lost
Still can't grasp my way

Find a cop, but
He's just as lost
As I am, maybe
Even more

Hopeless, helpless
Aimlessly wandering
Through a forbidden land
A terror-stricken land

A land with no shape
Nor size, a
Land lost of hopes and
Dreams, a hollow world

This is where I
Find myself, wandering
About, feeling about,

For something I will never find
Something I could never find
In this land of lost souls
And vagrant lies

Here the plow sheers
Cut no grass, here
The young eyes see
No blue skies

It is here the heart sinks
And the terrors rise
It is here I find myself,
A member of a lost world

Lost in time
Lost in space
Lost to those who would never think
Lost to those who could never imagine

Looking around now
I realize where I am
Where I have been
All along

This is my street
This is my block
This is my world
This is my house

July 5, 1996

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