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Look upon the ground
It is where you stand
It is where you are

Not where you have been
Not where you are going
Where you are being

Look to me
I am here
In front of you

Not behind you
Not to the left
Or right

Use your ears
They're right there

On your head
Not your hands
Or feet

Use your brain
It's in your head
Not anyplace else

Use it to think
To understand
And comprehend

The word
People; we are
All people

Beyond outside features
Lies what is;
It is what we really are

Feel; it is there
It is here
It is in all of us

Emotional divination
Electrical impulses
Gray Matter

I have it
You have it
They have it

It's not just you
It's not just me
It's all of us

Look to me
Look for me
Look at me

I am here
I am there
I am everywhere

So are you
So are they
So are all of us

We are all here
We are all there
We are all here together

Don't ignore it; or
It'll consume you

June 10, 1996

POETRY: 1996-2005Where stories live. Discover now