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Total eclipses gives
Terminally ill worries some rest

Touching around, feeling for
The correct way out of
This mess, I find that
There is little to go on;

Things go forth
Through a small funnel,
That is the least of my problems,
Thoughts give way to worse fears;

Together we might fight,
Though I somehow doubt it,
Time we get into reality and
Toughen up our defenses;

To be is all I wanted
To wonder about in
This world,
There is much to wonder about;

Television gives me
The answers I seek, yet a
Tightening in my throat gives me a
Tremendous headache;

Treasures hide
Themselves from us, makes us do a
Thorough search,
Though we often find nothing

June 29, 1997

POETRY: 1996-2005Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum