Staying in

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Alright, Chapter 4!

Here goes:


"Error!?" Ink asked, sitting up the best he could. "What was that noise? Are you okay? Is one of your bones broken?"

"tHeY wErE aLrEaDy BrOkEn..." Error responded, sending a death glare towards Ink, even if it was too dark too see.

Error stood up, painfully, and walk towards the exit, turned on the lights, and Ink saw just how bad he looked.

"i'Ll Go SeE iF tHeRe'S aNyThInG yOu CoUlD eAt..."

As Ink's legs were starting to fuse back together, and as his cracked bones were getting better after just one night, Error's injuries were just getting worst. He didn't look like he was healing at all, or that he actually wanted to heal himself.

"Me? What about you? I mean, you look worst than me!"

"I dOn'T nEeD tO eAt..." Error said as he opened the door and walked out. "WAIT, ERROR!" Leaving a worried Ink that couldn't walk or help in anyway.

"He can't even stand straight..." Ink took Broomie and hugged him tight. "I know he was the one who started the fight, Broomie! But still... He's helping me when he could have just left me behind... I know it doesn't make sense, why helping me when he's always telling me how much he hates my existence?! It really doesn't make sense... But... At least, i know he have a good side!" Ink said to his brush while he layed down again, Broomie still close to him and a small pastel rainbow on his cheeks.

Incapable of sleeping anymore, he just layed there until Error comes back. "What if he doesn't come back this time? What if he's too weak to even stay on his feet? Or maybe he got attacked by someone living here? No, that won't happen.. I mean, there's no one here.. I just wish he will be fine... At least he let the lights on!" Smiling to himself, Ink started to inspect his wounds while Error was gone.


"This fucking sucks.." Error thought while looking through the kitchen, checking on the sink last. "There's nothing here.. At least the water still runs..." He took a glass and filled it, putting it on the counter. "Maybe there's some pain killers somewhere?" He walked out of the kitchen and searched the entire place. In the end, he found three bottles of pain killers, he filled two glass of water and drank one, took another blanket for Ink and more bandages but no food anywhere. "Hope this'll do for now..." He thought, walking back to the room.

Throwing the blanket on Ink, he sat down beside the bed. "GeT oUt Of ThE sLeEpInG bAg.." And gave Ink the pain killers, the second glass of water and the bandages.

"Keep the bandages, you need them more than me!" Ink said, smiling to him.

"... It's for your legs..." Error replied, looking away, surprisingly without any glitch in his voice. Since the lights were on, Ink could also see a bit of yellow on his cheeks. He smiled once again. "Are you sure? 'Cause i think you need it more than me!"

Error rolled his eyes at that, and simply turned away, his back against the bed. "JuSt ShUt Up AnD tAkE tHeM.. I hEaRd ThAt ThEy'Re InFuSeD wItH mAgIc. It'Ll HeAl YoU aS sOoN aS yOu PuT iT oN."

"You heard? Does that mean you know where we are?" Ink said while changing his bandages.

"We'Re In ThE oRiGiNaL gAsTeR's CrEaTeD vOiD..."

"Oh... Well, that explains why our magic doesn't work..."

"hE wAs PrObAbLy ThE oNe WhO tHrEw Us In HeRe ToO..."

"But, why?"

"HoW sHoUlD i KnOw?"

"Well that's helpful..." Ink replied, pouting.

After Ink changed his bandages, there was enough left for Error. Once all his wound were wrapped up, Ink took some pain killers along with Error, who couldn't stand the pain anymore, and decided it was time to go back to sleep. But before that, they agreed to stay until Ink would be able to walk again.

And with that, they both fell back asleep for a much needed rest.


Hoi! Tem kno waz shor bu Tem hop u enjo Tem stowy!

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