
496 25 15

Sorry for the small chapters... I'll try to do better next time i swear!!



A portal opened to Underswap, a skeleton coming through. He searched the entire Multiverse, but saw no sign of his dear friend in sight. He was getting worried more and more, it was not like Ink to vanish like this. Especially not for THIS long... Did Error kill him? Was he stuck somewhere with no way out? He didn't know, but he was determined to find Ink no matter what. If he didn't, the whole Multiverse might burn at Nightmare's feet...

He was still thinking of ways to find Ink when another skeleton, another Sans, called is name, snapping him out of his thoughts. "HELLO DREAM!! HOW ARE YOU? DID YOU FIND HIM? WHAT'S GOING ON?" He smiled sadly "Hey Blue.. No, i found nothing... It's like, he vanished without a trace, i don't know where he could be..."

"This is alarming..." Blue thought for a moment " But don't worry, i'm sure Ink will be alright! He've been in worst situations before!"

"I guess..." Dream answered, still worried. "Don't guess you know it's true! Ink is better that this, he would never get himself be captured that easily!!" Blue smiled, trying to comfort his friend as best he could.

Suddenly, Dream felt someone calling for him. He turned to Blue "Sorry i gotta go! I'll come back later okay?" But Blue didn't have any time to respond as Dream was already gone.

However, the source of the call vanished. As if, something or someone was cutting off any ways of communication. Leaving Dream in the dream realm all alone...


Back in the deepest part of the Void, Gaster stood, pleased with what he managed to accomplished. Finally Creation and Destruction were getting along!

But, the old scientist wasn't satisfied just yet. 

Cutting the dream realm from his created Void, so the other versions of his son wouldn't be able to escape the fate they were bound to have.

As they always said, opposites attracts!

Mistakes were made, but...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum