Part 8: In the Middle of The Exam

Start from the beginning


"H-Hey! That's mine!"

"You should ran instead!"

Miki jumped onto a 1 Pointer, hacked into it and control it to drove away.


(Y/N)'s first action of seeing the zero to ran towards it!

He used Darkness Manipulation to teleport on top of the robot. Before making his hand into a binocular.

"Now, where can I get more points...?"


"AHAHAHAHA! HE USES THE 0 POINTER AS A WATCHTOWER!?" Said the female figure. Her voice signifying interests and amazements.

"What incredible ability of calm and choice discernment. Indeed, if he climbed up on top of that huge robot. It wouldn't be able to even reached him."

"Rather than that, I'd just say that he's pretty carefree..." Said another voice.

"Hm...It seems that, the girl didn't used her hacking on that robot. Is it because she's afraid that it will hurt the other participants?"

"Obviously, in the first place. The firewalls behind those faux villains isn't that different. Once you got one of them, two or three more aren't any different." Said a small voice.

"You're quite knowledgeable about this?"

"It's my school. So of course I do."




A young teenager said as a thin black lines pierces through a 2 Pointer robot.

"Hm...I would've never thought that mixing Bullseye and Sixth Sense could be so useful..." Said (Y/N) as he drew a dark lance from his hands.

There is one problem with Sixth Sense. That is, while it is an almost peerless Sensing ability. It still an ability that could only tell him only the information in the surroundings.

It couldn't gave him an idea of 'Where to aim' nor 'How to aim'. Just 'How further is it' or 'Where is it'.

Mixing it along with Bullseye. An ability of 'How to aim' and 'Where to aim'. It became an almost unparalleled range ability.

He even considers about synthesizing the two of them. However, by doing so, the ability would become an entirely new ability. The ability is perfect as it is now and there's even the fact that he's running out of abilities anyways. So it's not really wise to do so.


A few more lines of black colours flew into the air. Crashing into the Robots Pointers one by one and felling them down.

After a few minutes though, (Y/N) stopped his motion and simply laid his body on top of the robot.

'I shouldn't try being greedy...I'll just left the few of those so others could pass...'

He looked at his watch...Around some more Minute and it'll end. He then muttered as he stares into the horizon

"I wonder what Izuku is doing right now..."


While our Protagonist is casually resting. Let's switch the perspectives into our other protagonist.


Izuku screams inwardly as he runs into the stage.

'Calm down, Man! Calm down! Clear your head! It's alright! I still got a chance to pass this test and becomes a Hero!'

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