XIII. Spending The Day With The Daniels Boys

Start from the beginning

"So did you have fun today?" Nate nervously asks me.

"Yeah, I did. It brought back a lot of old memories," I reply back while staring straight a head. I don't trust myself to look into those brown eyes right now.

"Good memories I hope?" Nate glances at me, hope imminent in his eyes.

"Yes, great memories," I smile at him and look away, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Suddenly Nate reaches over and grabs a hold of my hand. I'm caught off guard and gasp.

"Sorry," Nate mumbles and quickly removes his hand.

I do something I didn't think I'd ever do. Something that if you would've told me a week ago I'd end up doing, I would've called you a damn idiot for thinking that.

I reach over and grab Nate's hand, intertwining our fingers together. The feeling of his callused hand on mine makes me feel safe and warm. I gently rub my thumb over the top of his hand.

"It's okay," I smile at him and continue looking forward.

I can feel him look at me and then down at our hands while smiling. We drive like this the rest of the way home and it actually feels right.

When we pull up to my house, Nate turns the truck off and checks on JD in the backseat who's still fast asleep. Nate climbs out of the driver side and walks over to the passenger side, opening the door for me while holding out his hand which I graciously take and hop down. As I jump down though I almost lose my balance and lean into Nate's chest. He instinctively wraps his arm around me, holding me close to him. I feel his hard chest pressed against mine and the muscles in his arms flex around my waist. It does something to me and I quickly walk away before I end up doing something regrettable.

I hear him close the truck door and when I reach the steps I can feel him hot on my tail. I wonder why he's walking me to the door? When I reach it, I can feel him right behind me. If I were to lean back just a little bit, I'd feel him right up against me.

Slowly, I turn around to meet Nate's gaze. He's looking down at me unsure and runs his hand across the back of his neck before taking in a deep breath. I continue to gaze up at him with hope in my eyes and my heart. I really want him to kiss me.

As if he can read my mind, he reaches up with his hands and cups my face in them. He looks at me with watchful eyes, waiting for me to protest, but I don't. Ever so slowly, he leans in closer and presses his lips to mine.

I instantly feel sparks light up inside of me that haven't been there in years. He kisses me deeply and passionately, like his life depends on it. I begin to kiss him back, raising my hands to the back of his neck. I lean my body into his as I get completely consumed by his kiss. He moves one hand into my hair and the other to my waist as he gently squeezes. I wrap my arms around his neck and let out a small moan as he pulls me in tight.

Not wanting to get carried away, I assume, his kiss becomes softer as he moves his hands back to my face, gently stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. Kissing me one last time, he leans his forehead against mine and sighs. I try to regain my breath as i sigh heavily and Nate smiles down at me as he gazes into my eyes. He leans in one more time for a soft peck on the lips before stepping back and letting go of me. Instantly I miss his embrace and have to fight pulling him back in.

"Wow," he sighs, looking down at me through hooded eyes.

"Wow," I reply back nodding. I silently thank God that JD is in the truck because if not, I'd most likely be taking Nate up to my room right now.

As soon as my thoughts of us in bed come into play, a set of headlights come driving down the road towards us. It's my dad home from work. He probably had dinner at the diner tonight and that's why he's later than usual. I silently thank my dad for showing up when he did. I look up at Nate who's still looking at me. I smile shyly up at him and tuck my loose hair away. He smiles down at me and gently rubs my cheek with his hand.

"Goodnight Bex," he says with a warm, deep voice that melts my insides.

"Goodnight Nate," I reply back quietly and instantly miss his touch when he steps off the front porch. My dad is now walking towards us with a huge grin on his face. He looks back and forth between Nate and me with amusement in his eyes.

"Night Mike," Nate nods towards my dad and Dad replies with a tip of his hat.

"Goodnight Nate," he smirks and stands next to me as Nate starts his car and pulls out of the driveway.

I can feel my dad staring at me with a huge grin and hope in his eyes. I roll my eyes and make my way to unlock the door.

"So?" he edges on as I open the door and make my way into the house.

"So nothing Dad," I laugh and remove my Vans from my feet, sitting them at their place by the front door.

"Oh come on! Something obviously happened. I saw the way you were looking at each other when I pulled up and the look on Nate's face as he walked by tells me tonight ended on a good note," he gets excited, prying for information.

"Okay, yes something happened. We kissed," I smile and grab a glass from the cupboard, pouring me a glass of water.

"Ha I knew it!" my dad shouts, making me flinch. I give him an annoyed look and sit the glass in the sink.

"I'm sure you did Dad. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight," I groan and make my way upstairs.

"Yes!" I hear him shout under his breath and quickly clear his throat.

"Goodnight baby girl, sweet dreams," he speaks warmly up to me. I swear my dad is like a kid in a candy shop right now with excitement. Leave it to my dad to be cheering on my rekindling relationship with my first love.

Once I get undressed, showered, and into bed; I feel the familiar butterflies in my belly I haven't felt in a long time. The same ones I'd feel every time I was around Nate when we were younger and I was secretly in love with him. I curl up in bed and think about that kiss. It felt so familiar and amazing. No one has ever been able to kiss me like that.

Ten years ago he was my first real kiss and the sparks that ignited then never stopped. They were so powerful that any other man that would kiss me after could never put them out.

Tonight, they ignited ever more as he intensified the sparks he lit that night many years ago and surprisingly I don't feel any regret about it.

Tonight, they ignited ever more as he intensified the sparks he lit that night many years ago and surprisingly I don't feel any regret about it

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