XI. It's Always Been Her...Will Always Be Her

Start from the beginning

When we finally get out of the area, the medic works hard on Ford's wounds. I know it's not good as I call it in to the nearest military hospital that is twenty minutes away. Ford is fading quickly and I yell for him to stay awake that we are almost there. An hour later as I'm getting patched up, Ford's doctor approaches me.

"Sergeant Daniels I hate to inform you that Corporal Taylor didn't make it. We did all we could but his wounds were too severe. He bleed out and his heart gave away before he ever hit the operating table," I stare at the doctor in shock.

No this can't be happening. Ford can't be dead. My best friend since preschool. The only one I have left in this world aside from my mom and Heather, that doesn't think I'm a complete fuck up. He can't be dead.

He just can't be.

I wake in a sweat screaming. My heart beat is racing and I'm sure it'll jump from my chest. I try to control my breathing but it doesn't help, panic has already started sinking in. These attacks don't happen as much anymore but when they do, it's always bad.

I kick the covers off of me and sit my feet on the floor. Resting my arms on my knees I lean forward and concentrate on my breathing. As I take deep breaths in and out I think of the one person that's unknowingly helped me through these random night terrors. Her.

Bex's captivating face comes into view in my mind and I instantly feel calmer. I think about her beautiful brown hair and deep blue eyes. I think about her smile and how warm it use to make me feel. I'd give anything to see it again but I know that won't be happening, especially around me.

Just as I'm beginning to calm down, a headlight shines through my window as a car comes up the drive way. I quickly pull a pair of basket ball shorts on and slide a t-shirt over me. I walk past JD's bedroom taking a quick peek and he's fast asleep. Good, my yelling didn't wake him.

When I get down stairs I quickly throw on my converse and make my way out the front door. I know it's Heather pulling up next door because she had gone out tonight with Bex for a girls night. My mom happily informed me of that when I went to pick up JD from her house.

As Heather steps out of her car I notice her attire. Where the hell did they go if she's dressed like that? My mind wonders to what Bex could've been wearing.

"Hey," I quietly yell out at Heather, startling her as she jumps and rolls her eyes when she sees it's me.

"Hey to you too," she smirks, walking towards me.

"What are you doing home so early? It's not even midnight yet," I joke with her.

I'd honestly expected her to not even come home at all and stayed at Bex's house. Back before Bryan when my sister would go out, she'd be out all night and wouldn't show up until the next morning since she hooked up with someone. As soon as I think of hook-ups I think of Bex. Did she hook-up with anyone? Hell I don't even know if she's single. I'd think Mike would've told me by now if a guy came with her or if she's talking about one.

"Yeah, well the place wasn't all that and we both were getting tired from dancing," she groans and reaches down to take her heels off. I'll never understand why women wear those damn things to dance in.

"Oh yeah? Did you have fun?" I ask, fishing for anything about Bex. Man I'm fucking desperate.

"Oh yeah! Bex is still Bex. Honestly she's crazier now than the last time I saw her. She had ordered for a Blowjob," she rolls her eyes and laughs at my surprised expression.

✓ [18+] A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHEREWhere stories live. Discover now