Taehyung:"Yes i took both so don't worry it will get better if i take a lil nap so now please get out"he said grabbing his blanket and putting it over head.

Jimin:"What the hell,you are telling ME to go out? you rascal!"i said in a shock while standing up from bed and hit his shoulder.

Taehyung:"Hurry go out don't hit and shout at the sick boy!"he said and waved at me to (Hush hush go out)

Jimin:"Aish jinja?(really)..Fine bye you ungrateful brat"i said and grabbed a pillow from couch and threw at him. He is strong and he will be alright and i know it.

I got out from his room and slammed the door shut and bid goodbye to Mrs Kim no i mean Mom :)
And hurried to school as i was getting too late now.

Time skip to Lunch break:

Me, Jungkook,Minseo and Hana sat in cafeteria and are talking while eating lunch when minseo spoke.

Minseo:"Jimin why Taehyung didn't come today?"she asked while eating kimchi. Hana faced me after hearing the question.

Me:"He is sick that's why"i said and pout in worry.

Jungkook:"What happened to him?"he asked looking at me.

Me:" Whao you care for him too?"i asked raising my one eyebrow in a lil shock.He rolled his eyes.

Me:"He is having a high fever"i answered.

Hana:"We should pay a visit to him after school"she said and i can see she is worried for him.

Minseo:"Yes right or else you won't be able to sleep at night thinking about your taehyung"she teased smirking.

Hana:"You will pay for this Minseo" hana muttered angrily her face turned red,she hit minseo on her shoulder she almost fell from chair but jungkook instantly held her on time. They stare at each other, Minseo's face was flushed and jungkook's ears too.-Something is suspicious and i dont know?-

I leaned closer to Hana and whispered.

Me:"They are together? And i don't know?"i asked and hana giggled.

Hana:"Not yet but minseo loves Jungkook, but he is just too stubborn to to admit that he loves her too"she whispered back i made an 'oh' expression and we both smirked at each other.

Me:"If you both are done staring then can we go to class?, lunch break is over"i said smirking.

Minseo immediately backed away and mumbled "Thank you" to jungkook,he only nodded scratching his neck.

Skip time to Taehyung's House:

Hana POV:

We all four arrived at Taehyung's house after school  finished. To be honest i got very worried for Taehyung when i heard he is sick.Well he is my.....friend so why wouldn't i be worry right?...

Jimin rang the bell and after some seconds door opened revealing Mrs Kim smiling.

Jimin:"I'm Back Mrs- i mean Mom!"he said and hugged her but she didn't hug him instead she came to me,eyes wide.

Mrs Kim:"Oh My God!... My daughter in law came!"she said and hugged me really tight while my eyes were wide in shock at what Mrs Kim just said. Jungkook choked and start coughing in shock while minseo and jimin's mouth was wide at first and then soon smirked.

Me:"uh-h Aunty please"i said in a low voice embarrassment fell on me i bit my lips.

Mrs.Kim:"Ooo yeah haha sorry i was just ..anyways you all must came to meet taehyungie right?"we all nodded "Ahh he is upstairs resting, you can go..Jiminie go lead them"she said and jimin lead us to taehyung's room.

Jimin opened the door and there Taehyung was sitting while using phone, back resting on headboard.He looked up really surprised to see us by the sudden arrival of us.

Minseo:"Aww Taehyung how did you end up having fever?"she asked standing beside him.

Taehyung:"I don't know how i get this"he muttered.

Me:"How are you now Taehyung-shii? any better?"i asked, he turned his face to me and smiled and nodded.

Taehyung:"I'm better now"he said.

Me:"You should take care of yourself"

Taehyung:"I will"we smiled and we sat wherever we found the place to sit.

Jungkook:"Get well soon Taehyung"he said even though he says he doesn't like Taehyung. But his caring side always shows up.He is such a sweetheart,isn't he?

Jimin:"Whao"he acted surprise while his eyebrows to jungkook playfully.

Jungkook:"Shut up Cotton Candy"he glared.

Jimin:"What did u just called me?Cotton Candy?!"he asked loudly pointing at jungkook

Jungkook:"Yeah what's wrong in it? It really suits you, look at your pink hair"he said crossing his arms on chest biting his lips not to laugh at jimin's angry expression.

Jimin:"IF I AM A COTTON CANDY THEN--THEN YOU ARE A BROWNIE!!"he shouted chest rising up.

Jungkook:"Hey! how am i a brownie?"he asked confused.

Jimin:"Look at your hair too Brownie"he said pointing at his hair.

Jungkook:"Aish seriously cotton candy"

While they were bickering each other we all laughed at their childish acts.

After that we all chatted for a bit and decided to go home. On the way back home all three of them teased me that i was so worried for taehyung i denied it at first but they said it was all obvious by my face.-Really?...was it?-

I'm truly very sorry for very late update my Loves, i was really busy thats why😥💓
To all my Muslim readers
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Love you all😘
Enjoy the EID!!🎊🎊💓💓

A/N:I'm truly very sorry for very late update my Loves, i was really busy thats why😥💓And To all my Muslim readers❤"HAPPY EID-UL-ADHA TO YOU  AND YOUR FAMILY"❤If you liked the chapter don't be a silent reader soVote,Comment and Share💓Love you al...

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