altr q

154 6 5


My lazy ass has been procrastinating on ch10 for many reasons, one of them being the plot ch10 itself

I would like your opinion on what I should do for ch10 of a life to remember

1) The Original, boring ass to write, Idea
Alu talking w Tig, deceit, deceit, lies, etc.  Alu more doubtful.  End goes to send him off on a mission.

2) Skippskipskip
Skip ALL of that boring bullshit that would be helpful for the plot, because ch11 has more exciting reveals (cough curse cough)

3) double whammy
Since ch10 is only helpful for the plot and ch11 really need any of the info from ch10 other than the mission, I can write out ch11 and publish it first and slowly working on ch10 as i go

4) ur idea??


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