Reverse Alusion

341 14 51

this has taken too long to finish && publish.  um.  for a lotta parts, i couldn't figure out what'd happen next, how gus would respond, etc, so, yeah,, sittin in drafts for a loooong time :''' ending is.  ew.  could write it better but im done with it sitting in my drafts lmAo bye--
also- this idea appeared when ml was asking for reverse heroes fanart bye fr--
category: oneshot
word count: 2581

Fifty seven days.

Fifty seven days since he'd been captured.  You could probably add on a few more, mainly because he had no clue how long he'd been unconscious.  He'd thought he was going to die, become a martyr for a cause he forced himself into, a war everybody was dragged into.  Honestly, he didn't know why he'd joined, exactly.  Just to spite his family and make them hate him even more if they'd hear about him through word of mouth?  It wouldn't seem impossible, news of his work battles had spread quickly as though wildfire throughout the camps--both sides of them, unfortunately.

A spell, a potion, a temporary curse, Gusion didn't know what they did to him, but his mana suddenly was inaccessible and he was left out in the open for capturing.  Knocked unconscious after managing to take around six of the enemies down, because there was no way in the damn abyss he wasn't going to go down without a fight.

He thought he was going to get killed.  Hung somewhere for the Dark Abyss creatures to see and to raise their morale, but instead, he awoke to find himself in a room with a man who made his stomach turn vile.

General Alucard of the Dark Abyss.  Rumor had it that his village was raided by demons, and for whatever reason it was, they seemed to see potential in the young boy and grew fascinated with him.  The demons raised the child, taught him their ways and trusted him to much, which ended in their doom.  To avenge his village, he casted away the fact the demons had raised him and massacred them, leaving not a single alive.  That was beginning of his thirst for blood, which had now led him here, to the war, and somehow, someway, Gusion had managed to prick the fascination of the General, enough to save himself from execution.

Fifty seven days full of fear, disgust, hate, and so much more.  Love--the General claimed to have fallen for the mage, and would personally make Gusion's life miserable by forcing himself upon him and coercing him to respond back.  At least he never went too far--he respected ( if one would call it such ) Gusion's wants that much.  Flirtatious words were spoken, words that made Gusion want to vomit from hearing them come from the General and directed at him.  As time went by, he grew to tolerate them, even numb them out.


His powers--his mana, for the past week, had slowly been becoming unblocked.  The numbness and unresponsive feeling he'd been getting had slowly been fading.

Fifty seven days.

Three since he'd last seen Alucard--probably off fighting.

He had to take his chances, even if his powers weren't completely re-unlocked yet.

Gusion had no clue what the layout of this place was, or how far he was from the front lines.  All he knew was that he had to get out.  Escape.  Regain his freedom.

With a bit of work and difficulty, he managed to get the door unlocked.  He paused, listening before slowly opening the door to be greeted with dark grey cobble bricks.  As silently as possible, he took a few steps forward and closed the door behind himself, checking down the hallway for anybody.

No one.

Oddly enough, it unnerved him.

Nonetheless, he chose to go to the right, quickly making his way down the hallway and sticking to the wall, hand lightly placed on it as he went down. As a corner approached, he paused, listening once again for anything noise.

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