All That's Left (2)

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uh.  kinda a filler-ish chapter, but needed for progression.  interactions will start in the next chapter of this series owo
also, unedited as always.  wheeeee--
category: series
word count: 1279

Contrary to what most events written, it did take long to find a suitable place to hide out in.  Obviously, the main city wasn't safe; hell, Gusion could vaguely see the red of flames on the horizon from the directions they came from.  The Abyss had triumphed over the Moniyans.  They'd lost.  Gusion forced the thought out of his mind and refused to look towards that flaming horizon.

The longer he ran, the more time went by, and the more his adrenaline wore off.  A throbbing pain radiated from his side, no doubt from where an Abyssal soldier must've slashed at him while he ran.  Gusion did his best to ignore it and continue onwards, not wanting to have been tracked and caught unaware of he were to stop and rest.  Then this whole shitstorm of a retreat would've been worthless.  He'd rather deal with a pissed off Alucard than the Abyss.

Gusion had lost track of time by the time he'd found the rundown place.  The trees had grown denser, closer together and then just suddenly stopped, opening up to a small clearing with a log cabin in the middle of it.  With the canopy above now no longer blocking his sight, Gusion could see that the moon had taken sun's place in the sky.  Shit.  Had it been that long?  Gusion didn't even know how he'd managed it, especially with the still unconscious Alucard in his arms.  Speaking of which, he was getting damned heavy.

Walking what he hoped to be his last few final steps for the night, Gusion trudged up to the cabin's door, 'knocking' on it with his foot.  There was no response.  He knocked again and had to same outcome.  Hopefully, whoever lived here hadn't locked the door.  Somehow managing not to drop the unconscious other, Gusion grasped the knob, twisting it open.  Unlocked.  He opened the door, walked in and shut it closed behind him.  Not even bothering to shout out and ask someone if they were home, he started looking around for a bed or something to place Alucard down in.  This time, his searching didn't take long.  There was one bedroom in the cabin, complete with one bed that obviously wasn't meant for one.  A couple must've lived here, or maybe they still did.  Hell if Gusion knew, and hell if he cared.  He was tired, exhausted, and in pain.

He placed Alucard down on the bed, wanting nothing more to just find his own place to lay down and sleep.  Nevertheless, though, he had to check wounds--damnable wounds.  Especially the one on Alucard's shoulder.  He took a few second to mentally debate whether fully taking off the blonde's jacket to look at the wound.  He decided on only taking off half of it due to the fact that the other side would require taking off Alucard's gauntlet, which wasn't something Gusion wanted to do.  He knew that Alucard had a reason for wearing it, so taking it off without his permission seemed like.. a violation of privacy, in a way.  Such was something Gusion didn't want to do.  He carefully took off the sleeve of the jacket, gazing at the wound and its edges.  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary--yet, at least.  Traces of any poison might take some time before showing up, and are mainly told beforehand by pain touching the edges around the puncture mark and, well, Gusion couldn't really test that right now.  All he can do right now, though, is tend the other wounds Alucard had received while fighting.  Which, of course would need bandages.  Shit.  Did this place even have any bandages in it?  Even better--did this place have any candles?  A cloud must've passed over the moon because Gusion couldn't see for shit right now.  Letting a few curses fly out from his mouth, Gusion grasped at the wall, using his hand to guide him along.  Eventually, he found the bathroom, and with an idea springing up, he took out one of his blades and brought it up to the cabinet.  With his infused powers, the blade began to glow a soft light.  Nothing too bright, but enough to see by. 

Opening the cabinet door, he brought his blade closer to the shelves, eyes scanning them to find what he was looking--aha!  There!  Gusion grabbed the bandages and closed the cabinet before walking back into the bedroom.  Thankfully, Alucard hadn't awoken while Gusion was out on his miniature adventure, and hopefully he wouldn't for a while.  Gusion needed sleep, not an argument.  As best as he could with his minimal light, Gusion applied the bandages onto Alucard, wrapping them over the many wounds that the blond had attained during battle.  They weren't too hard to find, he just had to look where the red stains were on the white undershirt Alucard was wearing underneath his jacket.  Though, to bandage them required pulling up the shirt and, hell, Alucard was set.  A red tinge rushed onto his his cheeks and Gusion shook his head, shoving the thought out of his mind.  Yeah, Alucard was ripped, so what?  All that mattered was bandaging the wounds, nothing else.  Eyes only on the wounds.

With minor distraction (his will was surprisingly strong), Gusion finished bandaging Alucard's wounds.  Now, there was only his own, but he really didn't feel like it.  If anything, he just wanted to fall asleep and was damn close to doing that.  He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, so his body was gnawing at him, the lull of unconsciousness creeping in on him.  Another curse left his lips as shoved that ever-promising serenade to dreamland away before he began to bandage his own wounds.  He didn't have a lot, but the few he did have hurt like shit.  Earlier they did, at least.  Now they weren't as bad, but still hurt.  Hopefully, they wouldn't become infected or any horrible tragedy like such.  Tomorrow he could find out if this place had a shower, and then hopeful bathe and cleanse out whatever bacteria or other bullshit that had decided to take residence in his wounds.


Gods, what the hell was he supposed to do tomorrow?  Was there even any food in this place?  Would he have to try and hunt?  Fuck.  We're his tracks followed?  Did any Abyssal Soldier decide to follow him here?  Would they be ambushed in the night, the cabin set on fire like the Empire had been; become another red blur on the horizon?  Too many questions were rushing through his head, ramming into each other.  He didn't know the answer to any of them.  No one was there to give him any answers.  Yet, the answers just kept coming and coming and coming and--


He just needed rest.  He could figure shit out tomorrow if his throat wasn't slit during the night by an Abyssal Soldier.

Finally placing his blade back with the rest, the glow fading away into the darkness, Gusion debated where the hell he was going to sleep.  The bed obviously had room for two, but.. wouldn't that be weird?  It would be.  Ah, fuck it--he could sleep on the floor.  He was tired enough that it didn't matter.  The unforgiving wooden floor could be forgiving to him for tonight.  And, plus, if Alucard woke up in the middle of the night, the noise would alert Gusion to wake up.  Or maybe he'd be too deep asleep.  Hell if he knew and he'll if he cared.

Without another thought, the brunet laid down onto the floor, unconsciousness flooding over him as he fell into well-needed asleep.

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