Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The scent of crushed, Autumn leaves flooded my nose as the cool air brushed against my skin, causing me to pull my hat down more, wrapping my sweatshirt around my thin body. It was mid October, which meant the weather was cool due to lake effect. My light brunette colored hair attempted to fight against the wind, only failing and soon giving up as it fell behind my shoulders.

I guess I should start off with my name. I'm Avery Alexeyev, a 17 year old girl just trying to live life in a small town with no worries. I've had a pretty shitty past, I gotta admit, but I'm just trying to forget about it. My moms dead which leaves me with my alcoholic, abusive father and his slut of a girlfriend. I fell into that crummy life a few years back only to get a life check, causing me to move out of my dad house and live with my aunt, Katie, in the countryside of Michigan.

I'm now at a public school that's full of snotty sluts and jocks. You're probably thinking I'm just some judgmental bitch, which I kinda am, but mainly because I've had a fair share of the world.

I felt my toes sink into the cold sand beneath my feet, the water hitting my skin that sent a shiver up my spine. As I walked down the shore of Lake Michigan, I noted the lack of people that were around, seagulls mainly patrolling the beach in search for food.

Once I had made it across the shore, I began walking down the pier until I made it far enough that seemed suitable for what I was about to do. I began pulling off layer by layer, before I heard a voice speak behind me.

"Isn't it a little cold to be jumping the pier?"

I nearly fell off of the damn thing before the owner of the voice grabbed my arm, pulling me back only to knock us both over, me landing on top of her. Once I realized the situation I was in, I quickly stood up, backing away from the girl as I tried covering myself with the first thing I could fine. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough. You're going to get sick, ya know."

God her eyes were gorgeous. Once I had taken a step back to actually observe what this girl looked like, I was shocked as to how I couldn't have noticed her before.

She had a darker shade of blonde for her hair that fell down to the middle of her back, light blue skinny jeans clinging to her legs. A white sweatshirt with red and black print saying 'Go Lancers' read on the front as a light gray beanie covered the top of her head with light blue converse topped the whole outfit off. She was gorgeous with every dip and curve her body made.

After a few moments of silence and the look on her face, it slapped me back into reality as I realized I never answered her. "I don't care if I get sick. It's the least of my problems," and that was the truth. I put my hair up into a ponytail before jumping off the pier & diving into the cold water, not waiting for a reply.

After a few moments of feeling the cold water hit my face, I sprung up from the water, gasping in air as I pushed the hair from my eyes only to be greeted by the girl sitting above me on the pier, staring down at me.

"I never got your name?" She stared down at me with gorgeous blue eyes that the sun perfectly reflected off of.

"I'm Avery. Avery Alexeyev." I swam over to the shore to let my hair fall loose, walking back up to my previous spot on the pier, where the mystery girl still stood.

"It's lovely to meet you, Avery. I'm Ella Caro. Do you live around here?" She grabbed my things and handed me my clothes as I put them on, waiting for my response.

"Clearly. Why else would I be here?" I huffed as I took the rest of my things from her hands and turned away from her, leaving her alone as I walked away. I hoped she would've stayed behind and left it at that, but of course it couldn't be that easy.

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