Bonus chapter(part 2)

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Izuku's POV
It's been 3 years since I graduated from high school and since then I moved in with Shoto and went to a college that was as close to his house as possible.I walked in to me and Shoto's home feeling tired of all the work I've been given but couldn't complain much.I opened the door to see that Shoto was typing something on his laptop while he was sitting on the couch in the living room.I sat down with a sigh getting Shoto's attention.

"Welcome home Izuku~"he purred as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

"When did you get home I thought you were coming home by 6?"I asked as I started to lean on Shoto's body.

"Well I wanted to see you so I came home an hour ago.Don't worry I brought my work home so I'll be done in under an hour."he explained as he kept typing and clicking on the laptop as he tried to finish whatever work he had.I sighed before pulling all my paper work out feeling the boredom over take me.After about 30 minutes I gave up on doing the rest of my work and wanted to take a break for a few minutes.I sighed and looked at Shoto who also looked painfully bored.

"Wanna take a break with me,"I say with a hidden smirk in my expression.

"Only for a few minutes I guess,"he said with sigh of reluctance.I smirked feeling a devilish idea come to mind.Shoto placed his laptop on the ground before I kissed him I smiled as I pushed him down sliding my tongue in his mouth.He moaned as I pushed my leg against his crotch, I slid my tongue against his as I got entranced in the feeling of his lips.I heard me phone buzz annoyingly making me groan annoyed at the disruption.I got off, of him and grabbed my phone off the coffee table in front of us.I looked at my phone and saw my mom was calling and smiled.

"Hello?"I asked fully knowing who was on the other side but not wanting to assume it was her when it could be someone using her phone.

"How are you doing sweety I hope you're eating well over there,"she says and I put my phone on speaker so Shoto could hear us.

"Ya mom I'm doing good how are you?"I asked as I smiled at Shoto who smiled back and sat up and got to work again.

"I'm fine but it's weird without you here.Hows Shoto doing?"she asked making my heart skip a beat at her question not expecting her to ask about him.

"I'm doing fine Ms.Midoriya,"he said not having his eyes leave his screen

"That's good and haven't I told you to call me Inko, Shoto,"she exclaimed making Shoto flinch

"Sorry, it's a habit,"he said in response before clicking something and closing his laptop before getting up."I'll be getting dinner ready babe, take your time talking with your mom, Okay?"he asked in a whisper making me shiver before humming in response.

"Anyway Izuku when are you two going to be visiting, I miss you two,"She wines making me laugh

"This Saturday we'll come over and visit.Sorry we can't come now, the works kinda piling up here,"I said before chuckling

"Okay well you two don't over work your selves,"she said and we both said "We won't,"in unison.I said my good byes before continuing to do my work before dinner was served.I sat down and thanked Shoto before digging in and trying to start up a conversation.

"Aren't you going to be graduating in few months?"Shoto asked after my attempt to start a conversation fell short.

"Ya but don't tell mom I want it to be a surprise,"I said before smiling and thinking of a thought that was totally overlooked by my part."Hey Uh What about your parents...I mean you never really talk about them much.."I stat awkwardly as I move my food around my plate nervously.

"Oh uh....I..well my mother got sick and had to be moved to the hospital when I was in junior high so my father was mad about the financial problems and started to take it out on my siblings and I..."he started to say as he stopped eating as his thoughts went to the past."...Once I could I moved out and went to college to be a teacher and well the rest is history,"he explains with a small but sad smile curling up his lips.

"Sorry I didn't want to have to make you live through bad memories again I'm so-!"I started to say before he grabbed my chin and looked at me with an angry stare making me wanna look away.

"It's not your fault Izu!Stop having such a guilty face whenever you ask me about my past.I love you I don't want to see you looking at me with a guilty face!"he exclaimed making my eyes water before I nodded feeling his adoration toward me grow with every second passing.Before I knew what was happening we were in our room, making out.His lips guiding me as I followed his lead.He swiftly took off my shirt and pants as he pulled off his own shirt I looked as his nice features that I would say yes to in a heartbeat.I stared at his beautiful features as he stared back at me clearly noticing my member rising against my boxers.I could see his patients wear thin as he swiftly kissed my neck and body feeling his soft lips caress my skin made a shiver run up my spin in delight.As his tongue trailed down my chest I shivered at the touch knowing full well how hard and deep he would go if he were to do this.I blushed as he pulled my boxers down revealing my hard member.Before I could react he wrapped his warm mouth around my hard cock making me moan at the touch.He slid his tongue against my shaft making me moan uncontrollably as I felt the warmth off his mouth cover my member making me shiver in pleasure.His tongue slid against my slit making me moan and buck my hips up toward his mouth. I could tell he noticed my impatience and started to take off his pants...slowly.I growled at this and pushed him to his back his mouth no longer cover my member but now I didn't especially care if was or wasn't...I wanted him inside me.I pulled his pants and boxers off and slid my unprepared ass on to his dick making me moan.I could tell Shoto was surprised by this but he obviously liked being dominant towards me.Before I could collect what happening Shoto pushed to the bed and pinned my wrist down on the bed and thrusted into me.I moaned slightly my noises muffled by the bed.I screamed out a moan and felt my climax coming.I moaned loudly as he slammed into me every thrust better that the last.I came on the sheets and felt Shoto thrust a few more times before coming into my ass.I panted as I felt my throat become sore.Shoto wrapped the sheets over us my breaths calming as sleep took over only hearing one thing from Shoto.

"I love you,"

Thank you for reading both this chapter and this book and thank you Mentally_Anxious for reading my chapters till the very end and I hope you enjoyed.Anyway this concludes this story 'Teacher's Pet' I hope you enjoyed the smut and fluff of these last few chapters and be sure to read my upcoming tododeku story that will be coming out shortly called 'For you' a yandere tododeku (yandere todoroki).
Anyway Byeee

Teacher's pet (Tododeku)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora