Shapeless emotions

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Izuku's POV
I woke up to a blaring light in my eyes, I groaned in annoyance as I moved my hand up to my eyes trying to shield me from the bright light.My heart skipped a beat as someone almost yelled my name worriedly. I moved on my side to we're the voice came from as I uncovered my eyes slightly and looked at none other than my mom. My eyes widened as I saw both my mother and my teacher sitting down worriedly.As if my mom, Inko could tell what I was thinking she told my what happened

"You has a panic attack, you passed out.But luckily Mr.Todorki here was there to bring you to the hospital,"the word 'hospital' gave me chills I tensed as I smelt the chemicals in the room but kept myself in check as I continued listening to my mother "...the hospital called me and I came here,"she finished making me feel relief wash over me slightly.I tried getting up but almost falling, Todorki catching me before I could. Heat rose up to my cheeks as his arms wrapped around me.I quickly backed away my face as red as a tomato, I everted my gaze slightly before telling the two confused adults that I needed to go to the bathroom. I opened the door before sliding down to the floor while leaning on the wall and before I knew it tears slid down my cheeks. I got up quickly and turned on the sink before dipping my head into the cold water that I didn't care to warm up.After a few minutes that felt like an eternity I turned off the water and took my now wet hair out of the sink I leaned on the wall as cold droplets of water fell on to my white hospital clothing.My teeth chattered slightly as I buried my head into legs.After the chattering stoped and I was ready to get out I opened the door and walked into the room to see Todorki still sitting on the chair but he was sleeping his head leaded on the other chair he was slightly snoring softly his bangs somewhat hiding the burn on his left side. I unconsciously walked over to him and without thinking I slid my hand against his hair moving his bangs slightly touching the burn mark on his left side.My heart skipped a beat when he flinched to my touch looking like he was about to wake up but luckily he didn't and I immediately stopped before blushing a dark crimson before laying back in bed.

I'm really questioning my sexuality at this point

I thought thinking about the last time I've touched a guys hair only seeing a time at one point that I really didn't want to think about while I was in a somewhat good mode. I looked to the tv that was in-front of me and looked around for a remote or anything to turn the tv on.After a few minutes I gave up and just looked up at the ceiling before giving a glance or two back toward Todorki and Without realizing I was smiling.So many shapeless emotions bottled up in my heart but there was only one I knew the name of...happiness.An emotion I haven't felt ever since I broke what I thought would be a relationship that would last forever but now has turned into a painful agonizing relationship that I want to forget and get rid of no matter what.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed and enjoyed the progress of Izuku and Shōto
Anyway see ya

Teacher's pet (Tododeku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें