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Izuku's POV
"...iya!...MIDORIYA!"I jumped up startled, After I heard A yell come to my ears making me realize were I was.I was in Math class, I apologized to Todoroki-Sensei with a huge blush spreading across my face in embarrassment.Its been a week since me and Todoroki told each other our forbidden feelings, and well let's say we haven't necessarily had a change in our relationship.That's mostly because of my grades and the fact that midterms are coming up so I have no time for anything but trying to keep up...mostly for todoroki since he convinced me to bring my grades up. I sat back down still keeping up with the blush that was not going to be going away anytime soon.I tried my hardest to pay attention to the lesson in front of me but failing because at some point I dozed off, my head laid down on the right-now comfortable desk and fell asleep. I woke up to see Todoroki's mismatched eyes, I jumped up with a confused and shocked look on my face.

"Midoriya are you okay?"Todoroki questioned worriedly "if your too  tired then you can rest in the nurses office,"Todoroki suggested worriedly

"No, I think I can make it until lunch," I said as I got up and started getting my stuff

"Okay but if you feel like your about to pass out then ask your teacher for you to go to the nurses office,"he instructed me while swiftly writing me a pass to go to my next class. As I walked out of the classroom I could barely hear Todoroki whispering something to me but I couldn't catch all of it.

"What did you say?"I asked making him jump slightly

"Oh I just said to be careful,"he said nervously making it obvious he was lying but I didn't pry any further into the matter and walked out and toward my next class.

After I gave my teacher the blue slip of paper that said I was excused from class, and I went to my seat.After a few minutes I could have sworn my vision started to blur as my eye lids started to become heavy but as much as I wanted to go to sleep I didn't.My ears rang after the bell rang loudly.I stumbled to me feet and warbled out the door before hearing my teacher trying to call me over before everything went black.

Todoroki's POV
I stepped out of my classroom as I heard the bell ring signaling that it was time for lunch.It took all my will power to not walk over to Midoriya's classroom that he was in but should now be heading to lunch.I walked over to the teachers lounge only to over hear a couple of kids talking about Midoriya and that he passed out.

"Do you know we're Izuku Midoriya is?"I asked them trying to hide my panicked voice

"Um...ya...he's in the nurses office,"they said as they looked at each other with confused expressions.I thanked them and almost ran to the nurses office.When I reached the nurses office I saw the few kids that were there to see the nurse for one reason or another. I walked over to the nurse and asked her were Midoriya was.She answered with pointing over to a bed that had the light blue curtains hiding the bed and the person who was lying in it. I pushed away the clean curtain and pulled them back as I walked into the small space near the bed were I saw Mid-no Izuku lying on the bed the white sheets pulled up against his slim body.I sat down and eventually fell asleep to a black void.

Midoriya's POV
I woke up to a bright light that made me groan and move away. I looked around to see I was in the nurses office...again.What caught my eye the most was Todoroki who was sleeping soundlessly.A smile spread across my face at his beautiful figure that made me want to make him mine.I snapped  out of my thoughts when he woke up, his eyes fluttering open to show his beautiful mismatched eyes.

"Midoriya..."he said with a hoarse throat

"Todoroki...what happened..?"I asked,  somewhat annoyed at the repetition of the hand times have I asked this?I thought to myself before Todoroki started speaking.

"You passed out, your teacher brought you to the nurses office,"he stated before getting up and checking the time. "Well I have 5 minutes until my next class, what do you need..before I leave?"he asked, but the question somewhat sounded more like a statement, than a question, as if he just wanted to know if I needed anything even if I didn't.

"Um..a glass of water...maybe,"I said slightly anxious at the growing tension I could feel

"Okay I'll be back in a bit,"he said before walking out.I waited for a few seconds before he came back and handed me a glass of water that I chugged down. I stared into his eyes slightly entranced in there shimmering hue.

"I better get going bye, Midoriya,"he said before he started to walk away making my heart sink.And without thinking I reached out to him and pulled him toward me and kissed him, much to his surprise. I pulled away and looked toward him with love, love that I didn't think I would feel for anyone besides my family.

"I love you,"I said with pure and utter happiness at his attention before realizing my actions and pulling away further in slight embarrassment.After a few seconds of awkward silence I heard him whisper the words that drowned my heart with so much happiness I didn't want the moment to end.

I love you too

I heard before he walked out with a smile, and that's when I knew, My heart was being rebuilt with the growing love that healed my sore and broken heart.

I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading and all the views and votes in this fanfic

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