Moving on

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Todoroki's POV
It's been almost 2 months since Izu almost got raped and he's been acting..different...more guarded.He's started not talking with anyone not even his little group of friends that I told him to talk to in order for it to not be weird whenever we see each other.But he's also been slightly defensive even near me.His gaze is always down like he is scared to be seen by anyone.I hear the bell ring signaling the students to leave.

"Hey I-Midoriya come here for a minute!"I yell to Izuku trying not to say his first name in front of the rest of the students as to not make anyone think that were close...well to them.As I see Izuku walk up to me as the students give each other looks slightly before walking out."Hey so I...wanted to talk to you,"I say and guide him to a private room I have that you could say is my rooms storage closet but bigger than average."I'll write you a pass once I'm done as usual,"I say referring to other times that I would drag him here to scold him or praise him for improving his grades." I wanted to know if your okay ever since the ins-!"I was starting to say before Izuku interrupted me with a tight embrace making me stumble back into the wall."Izu?!"I could barely make out what his expression was but he looked as if he was holding back some emotions , as tears slid down his face I started to gently stroke his hair in a calming rhythm.After a moment of crying Izuku calmed down and started to speak.

"I-I know I should try to move on from this but I can't...I don't think I ever will,"he try's to say without crying as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Izu that's understandable you WERE almost raped..."I said before Izuku quickly spoke.

"THATS NOT WHAT I MEAN SHOTO!!I mean I can't move on from HIM!"he quickly explained making me realize what he meant and it made my blood boil.I firmly pushed him on to the wall as I felt the anger grow and I immediately stoped.He was crying.

"Izu..."I said slowly as all my anger melted

"I don't want to be with him...not like how we were...I think I miss the relationship..."he slowly explained as he looked down.After a moment of silence I sighed feeling all my anger drain as quickly as it had come.

"I'm sorry I got so angry Izu... I know how hard it is to move on from a Im sorry...I know the aftermath can hurt,"I say in an understanding whisper as I backed away from him taking my hands off his shoulders.

"...Sho?How do you know all of this,"he questioned as he tilted his head in confusion.

"I've had my heart broken before, that's all.."I say as wave of memories crash down on me.

By someone from my past

"It's hard to move on sometimes,"

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the characters development (yay) Anyway

Teacher's pet (Tododeku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora