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Izuku's POV
That new teacher.....Shōto Todoroki I think it was....he...that burn mark on his left side what caused it.So many questions rose in my head about my new teacher that I didn't think to much of what emotion was rising in my heart.

When I went to school the next day I didn't pay attention to anything my mind was at a daze.

"Mi.....Midoriya!!"someone screamed into my ear making me jump up before looking around the room in a daze

"Ah...Sorry!"I said seeing that the teacher was talking about something that I wasn't paying attention to.I sat back down as a crimson blush spread across my freckled cheeks as I looked down.After class I went to the class that I was haft heartedly not wanting to go to, math class.I walked almost slowly down the hall as I went to my math class, I quickly walked to my seat almost happy that I didn't see the new teacher. I looked out the window before I heard a nice southing voice stop any chatter that was going on in the classroom.

"Okay class, today we're going to be having a test to see how much you guys know," I looked to see my new teacher Shōto Todoroki.I watched as he passed out the papers but for some reason when he got to me I looked away and my face started to get hot. I looked back to see the paper in front of me and Todoroki-Kun or maybe Todoroki-sensei handing out papers to a student two desk behind me."Okay you may get started,"he said before looking at some papers on his own desk.I got started grabbing my pencil.After about fifteen minutes I could hardly pay attention to what I was doing I kept glancing up at Todoroki-sensei before looking back down at my own paper.My heart skipped a beat when ever he would look up from what he was doing and sometimes looking at me and I could swear he chuckled whenever he did.I lost my concentration when the painful screeching of the bell that signaled the end of class I quickly grabbed all my stuff and handed my paper to Todoroki-sensei

"Wait Midoriya come back here,"I hear before I walk out the door.I stand there until everyone is gone wondering what he wanted to say to me."Midoriya you only have 5 out of 20 questions done,"he sighed before continuing "you'll have to see me at the end of the day Alright...and don't worry about being late to your next class I'll give an email to your next teacher,"he explained before telling me to leave

Time skip (to the end of the day)
I walked down the halls the only noise I heard was the beat of my own heart racing in my head.I leaned on the wall trying to calm myself down but failing miserably my breaths quicken as I slowly slid down the wall before hiding my face in my legs and before I realized anything I saw Todoroki in front of me his eyes shining with concern.

"Midoriya...Midoriya!"he kept yelling as he shook me gently my eyes widened as I tried backing away but failing because of the wall that was behind me.I tried taking deep breaths but my heart just couldn't stop beating.

"I...I..."I was trying to speak but the words wouldn't form

"Calm down you were having a panic attack,"Todoroki said before standing up from his position.I tried calming down but all it did was slow my breathing and not my heart.My vision became blurry as my head started to spin and before I knew it I had past out.

Todoroki's POV

Midoriya looked dazed even though his breathing seemed calm I could tell he wasn't feeling good.After a couple of seconds Midoriya looked like he passed out I caught him before he fell my hands wrapped around his chest.I gasped when I felt his heart beat racing


Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it

Teacher's pet (Tododeku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя