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Izuku's POV
I woke up to a white ceiling and my first thought was: Again, Not another hospital.I thought before sitting up and sone regretting it from all the pain I felt. I sat down quickly before looking around finding out indeed I wasn't in a hospital but the nurses office. I looked over to chair to see Todoroki-Sensei who was sleeping.

"Todorki-Sensei?"I said a little louder than a whisper making him wake up immediately, making me assume that he is a light sleeper

"Midoriya!"he basically yelled making me flinch. "Your awake!"he stated making me nod "Are you okay, you just passed out and your bleeding,"he said making me remember what happened.Tears fled my eyes as I remembered the nasty, ugly words I was called by someone I used to hold closer than anyone."Midoriya?Why are you crying?!"he asked concern lacing his voice. I turned away but failing from him grabbing on to me making me cry more at the pain.

"Please...let go," I begged as tears slid down me face mercilessly as I tried wiping them away frantically

"Midoriya were you being bullied..."Todoroki said softly making my heart skip a beat in surprise as my eyes widened. "You were, weren't you..."he whispered just as softly, as if trying not to break me anymore than I already was. I sat there silence washing over the mood in the room making it tense.

"I-I..." I tried to say before my mom barge in to the room

"IZUKU!!Are you okay?What happened?!You just got hospital now this?!My heart can't take you getting injured so frequently?!"she explained while crying and hugging me making easy tear fall from my eyes.After my mom calmed down Todoroki toke her outside to talk and my guess was to talk about if she was aware of my getting bullied in the first place.

Todorki's POV
I walked outside with the still concerned mother and talked with her.

"Let me ask you something Mrs.Midoriya, do you know if your son is getting bullied at school?"I asked straightforwardly

"No.Never my Izuku would never be getting bullied.He gets along with everyone,"she says with pure disbelief painted in her voice

"I am going to see if this is true.Although I don't think you should come in with me.He might have a harder time saying it if your listening," I said explaining my plan to her.She hesitated before nodding letting me go back into the quite room where the shocked teen sat.

"Midoriya I-"I was cut off when he started to speak

"His name is Katsuki Bakugo...but please don't tell anyone I told you...he might just kill me if he finds out I told..."he whispers the last part sounding terrified of the other teen he spoke of

"I'm sorry but I have to report this,"I said before trying to walk away

"No...Don't do it PLEASE!" I saw him say as he grabbed by legs making me almost trip and fall.His eyes glistened with pure horror and he really this scared of one guy?

"Okay I won't but tell me...what's your history with this Bakugo...?"I ask making his eyes widen before asking me to carry him to his hospital bed..apparently his legs felt numb and stiff so he couldn't walk easily.

"Kaccha-Sorry Bakugo He was a childhood friend of mine...when I was in my third year of junior high I...asked him out...and to my surprise he said yes..."he said before spacing out the fast appearing smile disappeared as his eyes darkened before he spoke again."One day I guess he just couldn't handle how clingy I was and he dumped me...that was before our first year of high school..."he started mumbling words that I could barely hear as he started to grip his skin making him bleed.I rushed over concern overwhelming everything as I grabbed his arms.

"Calm down, and continue.." I said before letting him go

"Anyway I guess I was being to desperate and basically asked for him to treat me this way but I guess it all started when he....."he trailed off again not saying anything as he spaced out looking like he was remmembering something important.I wanted to rush him to get this over with but waited seeming as when he remembered it was to late to bring him back into reality."He raped me..."tears slid down his face, he didn't even bother to wipe them away.And that's when I figured it out..he was still chained to the love he had for him the love he felt, and he's always being yanked back down to the lowest of points remembering the past...that's when I realized...

I'm stuck in my own past, too

Thanks for reading and sorry about the depressing stuff in this but ya know for the story, anyway

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