Chapter 17 - Surprises

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Chapter 17 - Surprises

Hannah's P.O.V.

We went up to Bea's room to see our parents and aunties gone. Jules and Liam told us that they went home and wanted to tell us that it's fine if we didn't want go to school the next day since it has been a very long day and it was already late.

"Hey guys. Bea, are you feeling alright?" I asked feeling really exhausted.

"Yes I am and I just heard about you and Luke." Bea said with a smirk on her face. Luke walked to me and put his arm around my waist. I felt butterflies going wild inside my stomach.

"Well, mind telling us what happened to Astrid and Enrique?" Jules said pulling herself a chair.

"Guys, want some coffee?" Astrid's voice suddenly blasted into the room. She just suddenly walked into the room with a very loud and happy voice. This wasn't the Astrid I saw just a few minues ago. She was followed by Enrique who was very different from the Enrique I saw minutes ago too. Both of them looked very happy like they usually were when they're together. They were holding coffees which they carefully landed on the dining table inside the hospital room.

"I sure need one." Oliver replied, approaching the table, got a cup of coffee and drank the liquid inside it.

Luke's P.O.V.

Days passed and we knew about what happened to Enrique and Astrid and how they solved their problem. Bea got discharged from the hospital a few days ago. The doctors said that her heart complications could still be cured with proper medication, but Bea should really lessen stressing herself out and she can't stay up until ten in the evening so that she can be fully recovered. My relationship with Hannah was doing great too. We were shaping things perfectly. It's been two weeks since Hannah and I became together and I decided to surprise her with a trip to L.A. Tonight is the night that I'll be sneaking into Hannah's room to leave the plane ticket on Hannah's nightstand so when she wakes up in the morning, that would be one of the first things she'll see. I hope my plan works just the way I want it to because tomorrow is the flight I've been waiting for.

Hey there guys! How's life? I'm so sorry that I haven't published for a while, but here it is! I hope you guys liked it!

All the love. H xx

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