Chapter 26 - Letter

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Chapter 26 - Letter

Hannah's P.O.V.


"Where would he go at this late hour? And we're in the woods." I said, concerned.

"I think we should go find him." I added, standing up.

"No. He'll be right back. I think I heard his phone ring." Liam said.

"Yeah. I heard his phone ring too." Louis spoke.

"Oh, okay. I just got worried." I said, sitting again.

A few minutes passed and Zayn finally came back. He went directly inside the tent saying he's already sleepy though.


I can't believe it's already 11 PM and I haven't unpacked my stuff yet. All of us left the woods at 9 AM, but decided to hang out in the mall which led us to going home late. We never realized that it was already late.

I played music and sang along while I unpacked. When I was finally done unpacking, I saw a piece of paper. I opened it and immediately recognized the handwritting.


I've had enough. I've had enough of keeping the truth from you. First of all, I wanted to tell you that I never told you the truth about my family. I lied. I didn't want any of my friends to pity me since almost my whole family does. Only my family knows about the whole thing to be honest. Well, my dad was reckless. Every day, he would go to work sober. Every night he would come home drunk. He would beat my mum and when I tried to stop him, my sisters would stop me. All he wanted was to go to Paris because he could get a higher position at his job if he works there. My family's in Paris now though. I was supposed to go with them, but I didn't want to. We were about to get on the plane when I ran as fast as I could and went back home. I locked myself inside my room and I just got out the next day when Harry, Niall, Louis, and Liam knocked on my door and told me to open up. The lads knew that I was supposed to go to Paris, but they never knew that my dad would beat my mum every single night. Last year, I Skyped with Safaa for the first time after I ran away. She was actually the first and last family member I got in contact with after I ran away. She told me that my dad was already kind to them. Whenever they would talk about me, my dad would always change the topic immediately though. In the middle of our conversation, my dad knocked and went in her room. When he saw my face on Safaa's phone, he told Safaa to end the call in a calm and sweet way. Safaa did what dad told her to do. Every night, I would go to one of the boys' house and sleep over so I won't be alone at nights. My aunt and uncle found me one day when I was at the mall and they convinced me to stay in their house. They also told me that my mum gave them money, which is for me every month. My aunt and uncle promised my mum that they would give the money when they found me so that's what they did. They gave me the money my mum gave them for 2 years and until now, they're giving me the money mum gives them. Anyway, I'm finally living with my aunt and uncle since they kept convincing me. Another thing I wanted you to know is that your mum never asked me to fetch you from that party where you met Luke, Cal, Mikey, and Ash. I just wanted to know you guys were alright and when I saw Luke talking to you, I decided to do what I did. It's selfish of me, I know. This letter is just getting longer and longer so I'm going to tell you something I should've told you since before. I love you, Hannah. I was supposed to tell you about this when you told me about you and Luke so I decided to keep this, but I can't hide it anymore. When you and Luke are sweet to each other it hurts, you know? And when I saw both of you kiss right in front of me, my whole world literally crashed. I admit that it hurts to see both of you together. I'm so sorry for lying to you, Hannah. I hope this letter won't make things awkward between us and I hope this letter won't affect our friendship. You don't have to do anything. I just needed you to know. l love you so much, Hannah. I always will.

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