Chapter 15 - Loved You First

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Chapter 15 - Loved You First

Zayn's P.O.V.

I've decided. I was gonna tell Hannah about everything that night. She was always with Luke. I couldn't control it anymore. I needed to tell her. The lads were right.

I made up my mind that I wanted to think this through as I got some coffee. Going to the cafeteria, I forgot which way it was.

"Nurse, which way should I take going to the cafeteria, straight, right or left?" I asked the nurse beside me.

"Go to the right and correct side sir. It's straight."

"Oh um, thanks!" Well, that was weird and awkward.

As I walked towards the "right side" I saw the girl who made my world stop. Hannah. I needed to tell her that exact moment. I walked towards her with bravery in me. There was no turning back.

"Hannah!" I shouted as I saw her talking to Luke who went inside the men's restroom. She finally turned to me.

"Hi Zayn!" She gave me a small smile before looking down at the floor. Something seems off.

"Hannah, I need to tell you something very important." I said.

"Really? Me too, but you go first." She smiled.

"Excuse me!" Someone suddenly pushed me which made Hannah's lips and my lips touch. It was a kiss. I pulled back after five to six seconds. My first love is my first kiss. How sweet.

"I'm sorry about that." I said as blood went up her cheeks.

"Me too." I replied.

"Now, you go first." I declared.

"No, you go first." She argued.

"Hannah, lady's first."

"Fine." She chuckled softly.

"What is it?"

"Luke and I are together now." My face fell, but I managed to fake a smile. That was when I felt my world being torn apart. I wanted to melt right there in front of the her. It hurt so much. I felt like my heart was being torn apart.

"What about you? What did you want to tell me?" She asked.

"There's not much to say. Go there with Luke." I said, pointing to Luke who was walking out of the restroom.

"Oh uh, hey Zayn." Luke greeted me I responded with a quick nod.

"Hey Hannah, I wanna show you something. Would you come with me?" Luke said from where he was standing.

"Oh okay. I'll see you later, Zayn." Hannah gave me a small smile before walking away with Luke. Worry over took my whole being. What if Luke does something bad to Hannah? I didn't know what to do if that happened. I followed them, keeping my distance.

They went in a random room which I'm sure was not Bea's room. It looked like a function room. After they closed the door, I opened it trying not to be seen or heard. I peeked and I saw them dancing to a sweet melody in the dark. They really seemed to enjoy themselves. It was killing me so much to see Hannah with Luke. When I closed the door, I quickly sat to the chair next to me. Hannah, it should be me driving to your house, knocking on your door, kissing you on the mouth, holding on your hand, dancing in the dark 'cause I was the only one who loved you from the start, but now when I see you with him, it tears my world apart. Because I've been waiting, all this time to finally say it, but now I see your hearts been taken and nothing could be worse. Baby, I loved you first. Had my chances. Could have been where he is standing. That's what hurt's the most, girl, I came so close, but now you'll never know. It should be me calling on your phone, saying you're the one and that I'll never let you go. I never understood what love was really like, but I felt it for the first time, looking in your eyes, but now when I see you with him, my whole world falls apart. First touch, first kiss, first girl to make me feel like this. Heartbreak, it's killing me. I loved you first, why can't you see?

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