Chapter 16 - Misunderstanding leads to love?

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Chapter 16 - Misunderstanding leads to love?

Hannah's P.O.V.

"Can we not talk about that?" I looked away.

"Sure. I just wanted to clear out that-- that kiss was just an accident, someone pushed me and-- and yeah." He sounded nervous. Is this why he has been acting weird?

"I know it's just an accident." I assured him. "Have you seen Astrid and Enrique?" I asked, trying to change the subject. After all, there was only one cafeteria in the hospital and it's too big. I looked around, searching for Astrid and Enrique, but I couldn't find them.

"Stop looking for them. They sit on this table as well. Enrique just bought something downstairs while Astrid went to the restroom." So it was Astrid and Enrique who sat on the chairs beside us. I saw Astrid going towards our - or should I say their table.

"Hey Zayn and Hannah, could you guys come with me to look for Enrique downstairs? Her mom texted me and said he wasn't replying to her texts. Her mum said she has very important news for him and apparently, he's not answering any of my calls as well."

"Sure, we'll go with you."

We went down to the ground floor and Astrid recognized Enrique's back immediately.

"Is that Enrique? Who's that girl he's talking to? What is he giving her? Is that a heart shaped box?" Astrid questioned, her temper getting higher.

"Zayn, help me make Astrid calm down. She might make a scene. We can't let that happen. It's literally 2:30am."

We spotted Enrique holding a small heart shaped box while talking to a girl.

"Why would you do this to me? I never should've trusted you!" Astrid screamed to Enrique with tears streaming down her face.

"Astrid, she's Julia Baretto. She's my ex-girlfriend--" Enrique declared with his eyebrows furrowed. Astrid's jaw dropped.

"Ex-girlfriend? I thought I was your first love. You told me I was your first love." Astrid tried to speak clearly.

"Astrid, let Enrique explain please. We didn't love each other when we were together. Trust us, trust Enrique." Julia said.

"Guys, guys! Bea's awake!" Jules ran to us with Liam following her.

"C'mon!" Jules said while going back to the hospital doors again. Suddenly, Astrid ran to the streets with Enrique following her.

"Astrid!" Jules said trying to run after Astrid.

"Jules, give her space first." Zayn said, stopping Jules.

"What happened?" Liam asked as we hopped in the elevator.

"We'll tell you guys when all of us are upstairs. Everyone has the right to know what's happening to Astrid and Enrique." I replied.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I ran and ran. I didn't know where I was going. 'Where do broken hearts go?' was the question that kept playing inside my head. I just wanted to be free from the heartache. I just couldn't believe what was happening to Enrique and I. That was the first time I felt that I loved someone deeply then he just hurt me like there was never an us. I wanted to scream. I never wanted to feel like this towards someone I loved so deeply. I got deep in my own thoughts when someone grabbed my arm.

"Astrid, stop! You can't just run away from me without giving me a chance to explain." Enrique said. I stopped and I knew that I needed to listen to what Enrique needed to tell me if I wanted to be free from heartbreak and thoughts of us."

"What? Is what I saw not enough? Tell me what I need to know." I said with tears still streaming down my face. I bet I needed to brace myself for the goodbye.

"What you saw," He started with a phanting voice. "The box I mean." He said as he pulled the box out from his pockets. "You know what's inside this? Inside this is a necklace. For you. I asked Julia to buy this for me so that I wouldn't move out of the hospital just to buy you this and so that we would have more time together." He said as he gave me the box. I opened the box and spotted a necklace and got it. It has an infinity logo and when I turned it around I saw letters. Those letters are 'E' and 'A'. "E and A for Enrique and Astrid." Enrique spoke. I couldn't believe what just happened and I just hugged Enrique tightly. "I'm sorry, Enrique. Thank you. I love you." I said. Those three words are the rarest words I could ever tell a person. I'm just not used to saying them out loud. "No problem. I love you too. I love you more than you can ever imagine." He replied.

Heya people of the universe! I know I haven't updated for a long time and I'm very sorry for that. Been really busy with school stuff, but I swear I'll update again soon.

All the love. H xx

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