Chapter 12

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I woke up to the sound of a hungry stomach growling with the power of a lion’s roar. Okay, may be I am over-exaggerating, but yes, there came a sound, and that was definitely not my stomach. I opened both my eyes, and saw two arms wrapped around me, protecting me from the hot weather? Then all the memories from last night came back rushing to my mind, and I blushed very slightly at the memories of last night. I then saw the person who was spooning me still wrapping his arms tighter, and I tried letting go, but he would not let go. I let out an annoyed huff, and plucked out some grass, to tickle his ears with.

“There you guys are! I have been looking all around the forest areas for you both, and you are nicely enjoying yourselves here?” Ms. Cupcake asked the two of us, looking at the position we currently were in. I quickly let go of Cameron roughly, causing him to wake with a jerk.

“What is going on?” Cameron’s sleepy voice came out very unclear and he let out a yawn, before his red eyes opened very wide, as if it would drop any second. “Ms. Cupcake, you found us!” He ran to her, engulfing her in a huge hug, that was so childish, it made me want to laugh.

“Yeah, and I’m starting to think I did a mistake.” She narrowed her eyes at Cameron, who was pouting so adorably, he looked so different than the other times I was with him. “Follow my lead and don’t you dare lose sight of me, and get lost again, leading to a serious case matter that I have to tell your parents, and all those formalities.”

“Yes Ms. Cupcake. Sorry for causing you all the trouble.” I quickly apologized, because I felt bad that she spent all night looking for us, and we didn’t even thank her. “Thank you.” I told her, which she then nodded her head to, giving a faint smile, before we were met with the large trees again, and we seemed to be very close to the area.

After 15 minutes of traveling around the forest areas, we were met with the sight of the hills and our tents were visible to us. The whole time Cameron had not really been talking. It seemed as though there was something he was getting disturbed by. I looked to my leg, which was still wounded, and then realized that there’s where his line of sight was. I felt bad that he had to carry me, but I could almost admit that I enjoyed being carried in those huge arms of his, with those six packs, and good looks.

I was so deep in thoughts that I hadn’t realized that I was back to my tent room, where Maria was still sleeping, but Stephanie was not in sight. Maria woke up to the sound. “Who’s there? If it’s a robber, don’t steal my M.A.C Lipstick. You could steal Steph—I mean the other girl’s lipsticks if you want?” She offered with her eyes still closed, but she was trying to wake up, but it seemed as if she was too tired. I went to her and screamed, “Boo” at her face, causing her to jump out of  her bed and tripping us both, causing us to fall on the floor, me facing the floor, and she was by my side.

“Sienna, you’re back! You know how worried I was for you. Where did you disappear to?” She kept asking me questions that I was too tired to answer to.

“Mar, can I sleep first? I am too tired to say anything.” I climbed onto a bed, and fell fast asleep.

My dreamless sleep ended soon as I was too busy getting tickled by a very happy Maria. “Rise and shine, honeybun.” Maria said in a very fluent country accent.

I looked at her, and saw that she was all dressed, and I jumped out of bed to see that it was 11:15 a.m. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

“Cause you were too tired. Plus, that Stephanie girl disappeared, and returned with a guy’s top on.” She spoke up, and then stopped, as if remembering something important. “Oh yes, now it’s time for you to tell me what’s going on? What happened to you Sienna Thompson?” She looked at me with a worried look, which was extremely genuine. That’s what I liked about Maria, she would never be a fake person.

I quickly told her all that happened, excluding the “Spooning” part. There were some things that were supposed to be kept as secrets, and I was very sure that I would not tell her that now, maybe she would think something was up.

“Wow.” She looked amazed at all that happened. “I thought that you were with the other group members. I never knew that you were coming with James and I, and when we all gathered back at the camping site, we realized you were gone, and it was already very late. Landon’s group won the treasure hunt actually, but after he heard that you and Cameron Hamshaw disappeared, he was worried, well not for Cameron, but for you.” She sighed, after speaking a very long sentence, causing her to breathe heavily. “We’re your best friends, it’s obvious for us to get so worried.” She told me, as she hugged me from the side.

“Okay then I better get dressed. I think I have to shower right now.” I told Maria, before running out, heading to the bathrooms, where the left side of me was the boy’s toilet, and on my right side, was the girl’s toilet.

After getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and putting on some shorts with a blue tank top, I decided to go by the natural look today. I went out, to see that all the students were already gathered, and as soon as Landon spotted me, he came running, not bothering about the girls that were trying to catch his attention. “Sienna!” He gave me a hug, continuing his speaking. “Where have you been all night? I thought that you were missing, or got kidnapped or something!” He exclaimed, causing a bunch of people to look at our direction.

I told him everything, and he just nodded understandingly, and I excluded the Cameron part again. But I did tell him that I was lost with Cameron.


The sky grew slightly darker, and it was six o’ clock in the evening. I had to meet Cameron, and tell him ‘Thank you’ once again for helping me, because if he hadn't been there, my leg would be hurting so bad and I would’ve gotten a heavy pain now. I still walked weirdly, because of last night, but I was feeling much better, as it was gradually healing.

Right now, the campfire, where the boys were goofing around, gathered us all and some of the girls were discussing about make-up, shoes, or generally talking about different things. One person who was not there at the moment was Cameron, and he had been missing all day, but then he reached the campfire site after 5 minutes, where by now we were all dancing to the music.

“Hi, are you alright?” A voice said from next to me, and I looked to see that it was none other than Cameron’s voice, which was whispering, and I looked into his eyes, and nodded and quickly looked back to the fire. We sat for a few seconds in silence, before he spoke up again. “I’m sorry about last night.” He said, before sighing, and looking at me again.

“Why?” I asked dumbly, and he rolled his eyes, before speaking again, “For spooning you.” He was so straightforward, and I then realized, that he was sorry for something I quite enjoyed.

“Why are you sorry?” He was about to reply, but got cut off by the sound of the teacher’s voice.

“Kids, gather up, it’s time for the campfire songs!! Who would like to sing first today?” Ms. Anna asked us, as many hands rose up, and she began choosing one, until her eyes landed on me, where I was sitting awkwardly, hoping she would not tell me what I think she would tell me. “Come up here, and sing Sienna," she said gesturing to the front of all of the other students, who were sitting around the campfires, and others humming lyrics to a song, whereas I looked to my right to see that Cameron gave me a look to say “Go and show what you got.” I was too busy in my nervous thoughts, that I didn’t realize when Landon and Maria pulled me to where Ms. Anna was, and told me to sing.

A sudden confidence came into me, and I soon sang to my favorite song “All of me,” causing everyone to erupt into claps, and I was so happy that people liked it, but when I looked towards Cameron, he was already gone.


A.N. I'm so sorry that this chapter is bad and does not really include Cameron that much! But I would include him a lot in the next chapters!


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