Chapter 4

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Did I mention how much I hated Monday mornings? It’s like a disease for us all. But today was surprisingly a good day. I got out of bed and saw the time. Holy shit, it’s seven thirty, I would be late for school! Well school starts in half an hour. So I quickly went to the toilet, brushed my teeth and took a brisk shower. I decided to go with the casuals today, which was a band t-shirt with some pair of jeans. I also zipped on a dark green jacket that I loved the most. Ha! I’m not that type of girl who dresses up for high school and wears high heels to a damn school! I mean high heels? Seriously Queen B?!

I quickly tied my hair into a ponytail keeping track of time. I noticed the time was 7:45. Great that school was only 15 minutes away otherwise I would suffer detention! You’re too innocent for that stuff! Don’t even say the word. Conscience’s got a point.

I went down the stairs towards my kitchen. I quickly gave my parents a peck on their cheeks.

“Have your breakfast first sweetheart.” Mom said to me as she gently caressed my hair. Did I mention how much I loved them? They’re great people and my mom wouldn’t allow me to go without eating. She says I’m too “skinny” or something. Last time, she dragged me all the way to the kitchen when I told her I didn’t want to eat lunch. But not today! Time’s running out. So I told her my problem and she understood and gave me bread with Nutella spread and I quickly raced towards the backdoor.  Not to my Mercedes Benz or BMW! Ha! I wish. I usually walked to school, so I almost ran like the wind. Well not really. I walked at the fastest pace. I always wanted a car, and I’ve also been hinting my parents that I wanted one.


So here’s a view of Fairfield High School. Towards the right of me at the moment is the “Popular” group! And I could see Amanda kissing Jayden (Jay) McCartney, captain of the football team. I mean they’re so perfect for each other. One’s a bi*** and the other’s a di**. So everybody always sees Amanda for her body. She’s got the fake boobs, fake hair colour, what else? Everything about her is fake. And Jai was a bastard who used to tease me a lot when we were younger. Just ‘cause I used to like him, he had to be such a jerk? Like jeez man chill.

Towards my left is where the “Nerds” stay as called by the Popular kids. But I don’t think that just because they’re extremely responsible and get straight A’s, they’re supposed to be in the bottom of the school chain? I mean like they’re human as well. Jeez!

Towards my front, which I am currently heading towards, are Cameron Hamshaw, James Morrison, and Andrew Oliver.  

Secretly I was checking Cameron out. I mean he’s okay and all. 

Cameron Hamshaw has jet-black hair that fell perfectly on his face. He had the most amazing and mysterious green-grey eyes, which can captivate any girl’s heart. But not mine obviously. He has the perfect cheekbones and his jawline is sculpted to perfection. He has full soft pink lips and neat eyebrows! Yeah I mean what does he do to those eyebrows? I think he gets a trim or something.

So I realize that he had spotted me, and I run towards Maria on the opposite side of me and pull her away from the crowd.  But I don’t hang out with any of the crowds I just described. I hang out with my best friend Maria and a guy friend who I am quite close with.

I sprinted towards Landon and embraced him into a hug. We walked through the school hallways and I saw Linda McCartney checking Landon out. He winked at her. Typical Lan. Linda McCartney was Jayden’s sister.

“You better be careful Lan, Jay is very protective of his sister.” Maria announced as we walked to our first period together: BIOLOGY.

“It’s not like I’m interested or anything, but I would say she’s H-O-T Hot!” He spelled out as we took our seats.

Did I mention that Landon Johnson was a part of the football team? But why, you ask, does he sit with us? That’s cause Maria and me aren’t considered as outsiders. We’re not a part of the “Nerd” chain.  In fact, there is another reason why Amanda and I hate each other’s guts, but I wouldn’t want to remember those memories.

I was about to say something until Mister Anderson who had just arrived to the class interrupted me! Ah, this was gonna be a long day.

School was finally over and it was about time Mom picked me up. Maria and Landon left together as their houses were near. Mom pulled up at the school’s parking lot in the “Range Rover” and I saw her beam wider than usual today. She was usually grumpy after work but this? Mom and Dad work together in Dad’s company and Mom usually drops me home after school then returns back to the office later.

“Mom are you alright, you look like somebody threw you a surprise party or something?” I asked oblivious to the fact that we were already out of school.

She began telling me what happened.

“So you met a lady in the grocery store and you helped her with her stuff and got to know her. Like becoming best friends!” I exclaimed, happy that Mom associated with somebody other than her clients. She was too busy with work that she never got time to interact with our neighbors.

“Yeah. And she is a great lady, I must tell you. She says that her son goes to your school. I forgot his name. Or she probably didn’t tell me. But, I want to make sure that I maintain strong friendship with her, ‘cause she’s wonderful.” Mom was clearly full of praises for a lady she met in the grocery store. Well that’s good.

There was still one thought stuck in my head. What about the son she was talking about then? Could he be from the football team? I might ask Lan or something.

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