Chapter 29

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A/N: I am so delighted by the 100K+ reads. Thank you to everyone who is reading this book, commenting and voting, etc.



As I said those three words that I was hesitating to, my mind reflected back to what Cameron said about something happening between our parents. I started remembering times when Cameron's mother would comfort me like my own mother, when she would always treat me like she cared so much about me. You know when you're thinking these things, you would expect the answer from my mother to be a not-so-bad thing, but I was so wrong.

"She took your dad and I's position in the office by tricking me into signing a contract. I never told you that she was working with us, did I?" My mother began crying, terribly upset and bothered as she muffled a scream on my shoulder. I embraced her deeper into the hug, but I was still having doubts on why Cameron's mother would do such a thing. Ever heard of the two-headed Janus?

"You never told me that. But, how did you find out?" I asked her, looking into her dark eyes, which still held emotions of anger and pain.

"That's the worst part. The way I found out. Remember when we all went to the Hamshaws' house for the first time, long back, and I just met her at the grocery store hours before? She planned all that. It was no coincidence. I overheard her plans when I was walking into her office room yesterday and she was talking on the phone. She did not know that I was present at the room where she was."

My dad patted her back. "Honey, it's going to be alright." That's what he said to my mother.

"Another question. If you knew yesterday, then why didn't you confront her yesterday itself mom?" I asked mom, knowing that I had been asking too many questions, but I needed to understand the situation at a clear manner.

"Well, I was going to confront her about why she was doing such a thing. I forgot to tell you that the contract she made me sign was about one week back. However, she hadn't told me what was in it. You know, I trusted her enough to not ask her, a week back. So, when I was about to encounter her, she caught sight of me and began to quickly lock her door and take her things. I was running after her. She kind of made me slip, knowing that the floor was still slippery. Although, there wasn't much pain, but it still hurt my heart that she would do such a thing."

She paused for a while, just to make sure that I was still concentrating on her words. She then continued, "The obvious thing to do was to approach her at her house. But when I went to her house, I found out she was not home. Her son and daughter were there. When Cameron saw my red eyes, he queried me on the reason. I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't."

My mother then told me how she finally approached Cameron's mother, who had already become the head of the company, making it too late for mom and dad to do anything else. I could not blame mom for not acting at a quicker pace to the situation, because I could understand how betrayed mom was feeling. I was undoubtedly furious about my mother being disrespected and used like that. Cameron's mother was a terrible person.

I still wanted to comprehend the situation. I wanted to tell mom how this is not relate to Cameron and I. That just because his mother turned out to be a backstabber, it doesn't mean her son would turn out to be the same.

Despite all my worries, I say, "Mom, look at Dad. He is not even so upset. I know it's a very tough situation and she became very good friends with you, but this isn't the time to make her think that you're weak. It'll only make her think she has the upper hand."

When she didn't respond, I cupped her face in my hands, "Mom, you're a really amazing woman, you're an amazing wife, and mother, FRIEND, everything. But just because she wasn't a good person, doesn't mean you are not." She cracked a smile at my words making me slightly satisfied.

I walked towards the stairs, but I looked back before I reach the last step. I see my family members comfort each other. I stand at the side watching Nick embrace my mom, my father watching them with a mixed expression. But most of all, behind all the masked expressions, I see a defeated man. I see a businessman who just lost his job because of Cameron's mom's deeds.


I was in my room on the same night when everything had happened. I was still wondering why my mom would not just ask Cameron's mom why she did all that. Maybe my mother felt humiliated, embarrassed, upset, angry. So I decided that I would find out myself.

I also realized how because of Cameron's mother, my family and I would soon lose all the money which is going to be finished after spent on paying bills, groceries, electricity, water bills. But I just hope our bank will be able to save us. I should definitely get a job.

I wore a jacket on top of my pajamas, and I slowly but softly head out to the house just next door. I knocked on it harshly, because I don't care.

It opened to reveal my boyfriend wearing his pajama pants with a man tanktop. He rubbed his eyes, to see if I was real or not. When he realized I was there, he said, "Is it just me who keeps imagining you everywhere I go? You are everywhere. How do I know if it's you?"

I was expecting him to be a bit ecstatic that I was in front of him, where I shouldn't have been. I punched him on his shoulder making him let out a loud, "Owwww."

"IT IS YOU!" He screamed, attacking me with a hug, to which I hesitantly returned.

"Come in----" He was about to finish his sentence, when I cut him off.

"Where's your mother? Is she home?" I asked.

His expression changed from joy to pain, that I was talking to him like that. Even I was surprised. I just felt bad because of the happenings. "Well, she is not. She packed her bags and said she was going to dad's burial ground." His tone was exactly like my previous one.

I was wondering why he was talking to me like that. "Are you alright?"

"You know, I was actually not believing my mother when she told me what your mother did. I told her that she could not do such a thing. But when she slammed the door at my face, I knew something was wrong between them. I was not angry about the door slamming, but what I'm angry about is that you're talking to me like it's my fault. How is it even?" He said.

"What do you mean, ' what my mother did'?" I asked him.

We were still standing at his porch, and so he began telling me everything. He told me about his mother 'losing' her job and how his mother told him that my mother took it from her. When he finished, I muttered under my breath. "Wow, what a two-headed woman."

"What? Did you say something?" Cameron asked me.

"Cameron, I have to tell you the truth." I start, still wondering whether I should or not. He probably wouldn't even believe me when I tell him.

I tell him everything, from A to Z, causing him to look at me with a mixed expression in the end.

"You know how much I love you Sienna, but why would my mother do such a thing? She can't even kill a mosquito, so why would she even take your family business away?" Cameron asked.

"To find out, we must investigate. I am privileged to know that you still have faith in me. I am sorry that I didn't. But, I will always, from now on." We leaned closer, just about to kiss after I said those words, when the sound of a door opening was audible to us both.

"Sienna Thompson, what are you doing with a Hamshaw?" My mother was now approaching us both, while Cameron just looked at me with a sad expression.

I whispered to him, "I will always love you regardless of what happens when we find out. Trust me," before I left to my slightly angered mother, who softened when she saw me.

Before I left though, Cameron replied, "I trust you, and I will always love you."


A/N: I'm sorry if the chapter has grammatical errors or if it's not a good plot. Thanks for reading. Really hope it was worth the wait.

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