Chapter 5

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So, guess what? I'm going to Cameron Hamshaw's house! What fun! Note the sarcasm. I wouldn't want to disappoint my mother by telling her I didn't want to go see a guy who is literally the definition of a badass. It never seems to surprise me, how cliché my life is, so far. 

I decided to go with a simple look. I wore a sundress that was of the color of orange with a touch of yellow outline sleeves. I didn't want to go through too much effort for the worst day of my life. I took out a curler for my hair and wore a pink lip gloss that mom bought for me recently. I picked out the brown slippers that matched my dress perfectly. I kept telling mom that we weren't going to have dinner in the president's house. That it was just the Hamshaw's. Little did I know what would happen tonight?

So tonight, Dad, Mom, and I were going to have dinner at the Hamshaw's residence. I wouldn’t say that I was nervous. But I was fidgeting. I wanted to make an impression for my mom's new friend. 

"MOM, DAD I'M READY" I yelled from my room and went downstairs towards the kitchen to grab a bite of the cronut my mom bought from Dominique Ansel Bakery.

"Save your stomach for dinner honey." My mom told me as she patted me on the stomach. I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Let's go beautiful ladies" My dad announced as he walked into the kitchen.


We arrived to a mansion, I mean the Hamshaw residence, and I had my jaw dropped to the floor. Never had I seen such a huge, and beautiful mansion. That was only from the outside. As soon as I entered into the house aka mansion, I saw a handsome figure standing there with an amused expression in his eyes. I looked around me in confusion. What was he amused at? I saw that he had his eyes on me, and checked to see whether my dress was torn or something.

As if in cue, because I couldn't handle any more of the uncomfortable staring by Cameron, Mrs. Hamshaw appeared from the kitchen. My parents greeted her as well as I. "Hi Mrs. Hamshaw. I'm Sienna, nice to meet you."

"Please, call me Anna. It's short for Annabelle, but I feel like I know you already, so I would prefer you call me Anna."

Anna Hamshaw was a gorgeous lady whom I feel Cameron got his looks from. She was not so tall, however, she had the perfect figure for a 40 year old. She had blonde hair with a shade of brown. She looked like one of those ladies from magazines as she wore a long green dress with such beautiful grace and the way she walked was just like a model.

Okay, back to real life.

"This is Cameron, but I think you know him because you go to the same school right?"

I didn't get to answer her question as I just gawked at Cameron. To hide my embarrassment, Cameron introduced himself to his mom after showing me his signature smirk. I felt myself blush a shade of pink and looked away to hide my embarrassment.

After dinner, Mrs. Hamshaw asked Cameron to take the desert. "Could you help him honey?" She asked me while I sat awkwardly.

"Umm yeah sure, why not?" I announced as all eyes were on me.

I entered the kitchen trailing behind Cameron. "Look, I don't really need help in carrying desert to the dining table, but it's alright if you would help by bringing the plates." Cameron spoke up after five awkward minutes. What an arrogant guy!

I nodded my head. As soon as I thought I was left alone in the kitchen, Cameron turned around and looked at me with intense eyes that were filled with regret, I think. That was a new emotion.

He came towards me and spoke up "Look, I'm sorry that I have an attitude problem. But I really don't know why people judge me wrong and all. So I just wanted to tell you that you can think whatever you want, but I am still going to stay like this." He walked off towards the dining table.

That was new for me. He said sorry? I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and saw that I was still standing there dumbfounded.

I lay down on my bed with his words repeated in my head. Did he really have a soft side to him? He showed the world how tough and badass he was. But I decided to shrug it off.


"Morning sleepyhead!" Mom called out to me as I walked to the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Yay omelet and toast! Thanks mom!" It had been a few days since dinner with Cameron and I was wishing that I could meet him again. My gut feeling says that today would be another encounter with The Badass!

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